View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
10-06-2008, 7:33 AM
6 Oct 2008

Good morning everyone,

Finished up a rather long week of oncall duty at work. I was quickly reminded that I can't do all nighter type work much any more without suffering for days afterward trying to get my sleep cycle back. I am off call as of this morning and I'm GLAD it's over.

No woodworking for me this weekend....just work for the day job that I got all finished up as of last night at 9PM.

Still working on the firewood pile. Me and my two younger sons started hand splitting the wood. I was quickly reminded how much a "desk job" can make one out of shape from slinging a splitting maul, sledge hammer, and wedges for very long. WOW!!! And I out of shape.!!

I'm getting ready for another Disaster Recovery Exercise that I will have to travel to Philly for...64 hour long Recovery Exercise. I'm hoping that I can get the recovery done long before the 64 hour time limit. Either way....Look Out Philly.!!!!!! Cause Here I Come!!! http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/bye3.gif

That's it for me...so what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Rod Sheridan
10-06-2008, 7:36 AM
Hi, my weekend accomplishments were:
- going to the Sawmill with my daughter to purchase red oak for her new desk.

- Sunday I worked all day at a vintage motorcycle swap meet selling raffle tickets for the CVMM.

Now it's back to work..........Rod.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-06-2008, 7:55 AM
Friday night I drove to central Illinois. I spent Saturday with the MIL. Sunday I drove to Madison, WI and enjoyed the company of Karl Laustrup and John Miliunas. We had an enjoyable lunch and beverages.

alex grams
10-06-2008, 7:56 AM
Made a brisket Saturday that I have to say was my best ever. 14 hours, lots of burnt wood, smoke and beer later I was a happy camper. I find I don't even sit down to eat when I make a brisket, I just graze as I am cutting it up, then go lay down fat, happy and mildly inebriated at the end of a long day. The only downfall is that I have to stay away from my dangerous power tools when I am bbq-ing and drinking, so I stuck to glueing up and clamping drawers for most all of the day (14 drawers takes a lot of freaking time to glue/clamp/fit).

Now I get to eat brisket sandwiches during lunch all day at the office, only to have people walk in on me at the office kitchen to say 'hey, where did you buy the brisket!, which, to me being a country boy just makes me hang my head and sigh.

Brent Smith
10-06-2008, 8:42 AM
Vet Saturday morning for the beast's check up...all's good. Got my new clamps up on the wall that afternoon. An 85th birthday party on Sunday....the old boy can still hoist a few and put a blush on the young ladies cheeks LOL.

Tyler Howell
10-06-2008, 9:39 AM
My fishing instructor came up for a weekend of drowning leaches.
I got some nice walleye and showed up the old master for quality and quantity.
Spent time on a majestic lake near the BWCAW.
Made the whole fall weekend real special.
spent some time in the shop mostly cleaning and preping the Kabota for winter use.

Have a safe week.

Jim Becker
10-06-2008, 11:13 PM
Horsie things and work-work pretty much summed up my weekend....

Eric Larsen
10-06-2008, 11:35 PM
Stairs and resawing....

See my post on the "stairs advice" thread for a picture.