View Full Version : honing stone

Derek Larson
10-03-2008, 9:24 AM
Ok I just got my first scraper I have been watching videos on how to sharpen it and I am ready to attempt it however I do not have a honing stone, so i searched and found rockler had this http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?Offerings_ID=9904&TabSelect=Details however I do not know if i should get fine or coarse or if I should get a completely different stone. On David Marks site he recommends a japenese sharpening stone and three different grits 800 then 1200 then 6000, however I do not want to buy three different stones (i just bought a new bandsaw kinda poor right now) so is there a one stone solution that will be a happy medium? Also, do I need to
buy a burnisher I believe I recall david marks just using a screwdriver?
Thank you

Ryan Wilson
10-03-2008, 9:38 AM
I use a Norton combination water stone 220/1000. I also use a burnishing tool. You can both the waterstone and the burnisher for about $70

Douglas Brummett
10-03-2008, 10:40 AM
Card scraper or scraper plane?

For my card scraper I prep with a mill file, then 400g w/d sandpaper on a flat surface, if I need a burr I pull and roll it with a crown burnisher. Total cost of these tools is about $40. I would go this route prior to dropping money on stones.

For my cabinet scraper I use sandpaper to set the bevel, then hone on my water stones. I haven't found a need to roll a burr on it, it works great with just a good honing.

Rockler has a nice waterstone kit 800/4000/6000/nagura. I got it on sale for under $50, but it is regularly $60 and a good starter kit IMO.
Only thing it lacks is the coarse grit for bevel grinding and a way to flatten the stones. But sand paper will work for both of those shortcomings. Add a $10 honing guide and you will be ready to rock :)

Bill White
10-03-2008, 1:09 PM
from a wrist pin (as in auto engine). Go to an automotive repair shop and ask for one (free). Price is right, and they work like crazy.

Peter Quinn
10-03-2008, 9:11 PM
Norton makes a good water stone combo with a 1000/4000 grit. Works well. I think 6000 is a bit overkill on a scraper though i do use that schedule for chisels and plane irons. I stop at 1000 on card scrapers, so if i had to have only one stone for a scraper it would be a 1000 grit.

Zahid Naqvi
10-04-2008, 2:27 AM
Derek, you might get better responses if you move this to the "Neanderthal haven", that's where all the handtool junkies hang.

Douglas Brummett
10-04-2008, 10:25 AM
Good point Zahid :)

Just don't let him get wrapped up in your sharpening thread :D That one may be too much for a newbie to handle.