View Full Version : Two projects completed

Greg Ware
10-02-2008, 6:07 PM
I have been gawking at the cutting boards here and on other sites thinking that would be a good project for Christmas gifts and for practice. I made the mistake of letting my wife see some of the pictures. I know... I know. I'm a newby, but learning fast. So here is my first attempt at a cutting board. Made with walnut and maple. with 3 coats of General Finishes Salad Bowl Finish. My wife keeps showing it off, and now I have "orders" for 7 more, plus the ones I need to make for Christmas. My wife has a friend who has a friend who makes custom art tile. He made this one for her using the same colors in our living room. She was just going to hang it on the wall and I thought it deserved a frame. I used the same walnut and maple, using a dark walnut stain on the walnut and a natural stain on the maple.

Brent Ring
10-02-2008, 6:28 PM
Nice Work Neighbor - I need to come and see you, or you can come out my way. I love the cutting board!

Stephan Postmus
10-02-2008, 8:42 PM
cutting board looks great with the contrasting wood.


Greg Ware
10-04-2008, 4:35 PM
Good to hear from you again Brent, come on over, I could use some good tips when I get started on the others.


Don Bullock
10-04-2008, 9:53 PM
Both of your projects look great. I'm a sucker for contrasting wood. I think that the right balance of different woods can enhance many woodworking projects.

...and now I have "orders" for 7 more, plus the ones I need to make for Christmas. ...

Mistake number two -- taking orders to make things for other people. You may find, like I did many years ago, that these orders can take up all your woodworking time and you won't have time to make the things you want to make. I enjoy making things for other people, but I no longer take any orders for them nor do I allow my wife to "promise" her friends that I'll make one for them.

John Thompson
10-05-2008, 6:30 PM
Exceellent and "purty" too.
