View Full Version : Hey Brian or Tamara Brown.......I need some turning photography advice....

Ken Fitzgerald
09-30-2008, 10:11 PM
I recently had a surprise. I was awarded some Amazon gift certificates to spend.

I've never been satisfied with my terrible photographs of my turning projects. The photos plain suck!

I have found a couple of photo tents at Amazon that would probably work for me.

What would you recommend for a background paper/cloth for use in a photo tent.

I have about $200 to spend and I found a photo tent with 2 lights that cost about $100 at Amazon.

Would you be so kind as to make some recommendations?


Jim Becker
09-30-2008, 10:30 PM
Ken, check out the article in the articles section about a Phrugal Photo Tent setup... ;)

Brian Brown
10-01-2008, 12:45 PM

If you can hold on a few days, we are just headed out for vacation. Up in the mountains, and no web service. Mean time can you send me a link to the amazon item you are looking at? When we get home, I'll send you some info.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-01-2008, 12:56 PM
Thanks Brian. I'm in class right now. I'm in no hurry so I'll send you a link later. I would appreciate your opinion on what I am considering.

Have fun!