View Full Version : Need computer help

W.C. Turner
03-12-2003, 12:10 PM
Can any of you computer gurus out there tell me a simple way to get all my favorites arranged in alphabetical order? The first of the list is in order, but after it passes the W's once, all the others just fall in anywhere. I'm using IE, and I had a suggestion to right click on any favorite and select rearrange or something like that. Anyway, that option wasn't offered, nothing offered for alphabetical order.

Hope someone knows an answer. Thanks.

Marc Wittman
03-12-2003, 12:22 PM
You should be able to drop down the favorites list, right click anywhere in there and select Sort by Name, that should do it.

RJ Schuff
03-12-2003, 12:22 PM
Go to the Start menu and click on Favorites. Open the folder that you want to alphbetize and right hand mouse click anywhere on the list. The context menu should open and then select sort my name. That should do it.


Dave Arbuckle
03-12-2003, 12:58 PM
W.C., the responses you are receiving illustrate why it's important to list the version of operating system and browser you are using.

Marc's suggestion will work for me on Internet Explorer 6.0, but RJ's doesn't because my Windows 2000 Pro box doesn't have Favorites on the Start Menu. For best results, you need to specify your platform. ;)


Ted Shrader
03-12-2003, 1:09 PM
W.C. -

Drop down your favorites. Left click on the one you want to move. Drag and drop it to the location you want.

I keep my frequently used ones (say Saw Mill Creek) at the top, then alphabetically after that.


W.C. Turner
03-13-2003, 12:12 AM
and I don't get the option of sort by name.

R.J., I'm wanting to arrange my favorites menu, not a folder.

Dave, yeah, I forgot to mention I'm running Windows 95 & IE 5.0.

Ted, I am able to drag the individual links to the position I want, it'll just take longer. I like instant gratification though.

When I right click on any of the favorite links, and it highlights it and then the window opens up and the options I am offered is: Open, Create New folder, Print, Make Available Offline, Send To, Cut, Copy, Delete, Rename, Properties. But, alas, no sort by name.

Any other suggestions you can think of?

David Klug
03-13-2003, 9:28 AM
I was reading my letter from Fred Langa this morning and one of the subscribers was saying that they had a lot of favorites. They had trouble finding what they wanted in favorites, and they had found a site that would do a search in favorites. If you have a ton of favorites you might want to check it out at www.dzsoft.com/favseek.htm
