View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
05-14-2004, 8:53 AM
Good Friday Morning All,

Rather damp here in Okieland this morning after a frog strangling rain last night. Going fishing tomorrow and will probably be mowing, weeding, etc. on Sunday as I'm sure with all this rain the grass will have a drastic growth spurt!

What's on your agenda this weekend?

Have a great weekend everyone,

Steven Wilson
05-14-2004, 9:00 AM
I should be getting in some ductwork from Oneida today so I imagine this weekend will be consumed with installing ductwork in the shop.

Tyler Howell
05-14-2004, 9:12 AM
A Little HVAC Prep. Replacing the the home unit before I have too. Expanding coverage for more heat in shop, kitchen & den. Still get to play with big toyls:D .

Greg Heppeard
05-14-2004, 10:02 AM
Finishing a small drywall job and then on to recovering a couple of tables with formica. Still waiting on the formica to show, so if it doesn't, I have a cabinet job waiting in the wings. Then, Sunday, it's back to the day job.

Kurt Aebi
05-14-2004, 10:28 AM
I gotta replace the mower deck drive belt, so I can mow the hay field (used to be my lawn - until the rain came followed by the sun) Started it last night and didn't see ont of the rocks cleared from the garden and KA-Flooey - there went the belt. It is the original belt for my 1994 Murray tractor, so it didn't owe me anything, just a PITA to have to go to town and get one (if they have any -probably gonna here, "we can order you one" - it seems I here that more than anything else)

Have (2) more wishing wells that are ready to paint, so if the weather is nice, I'l do that in the driveway.

Everyone have a Safe Weekend. I'll post the results in Dennis Peacock's Monday morning weekend recap post.

Take care all and be Safe

Just got back form the auto parts store and got a new Gates belt, so I guess there will be no reason not to finish the yard work.

Waymon Campbell
05-14-2004, 10:44 AM
Bob - I hear ya on the rain. We got 3" here over the last two days. Thankfully I had mowed just before so maybe I can put it off till Monday. Wife is in Arkansas on business so I get UNINTERRUPTED SHOP TIME! We just renovated our church with new paint and flooring so I am working on a new bulletin board for the main entrance. The old one was the typical cork board with aluminum frame...yuk! I am building a nice cherry frame for a 4'x6' bulletin board. Then, hopefully I can come up with a design for a sofa type table (also for the church) to hold our Sunday programs.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2004, 10:45 AM
This will hopefully be somewhat a quiet weekend. I need to purchase and install the insulation for the footings for my new shop and install it. I hope to trim out the new door I installed in my current shop (soon to be call storage shed). Then try to mow and weedwhip the lawn around the construction mess.

Have a nice weekend!

Byron Trantham
05-14-2004, 10:49 AM
Mowing, weedwacking and watering. I hope to hang the cabinets for SWMBO. Once they are installed I start on the base units. A new HVAC system was installed yesterday and seems to work. I will be tracking it's performance all weekend. I will finish up a picture for a friend of my wife's.

Chris Padilla
05-14-2004, 1:11 PM
Saturday will be the usual yard work pain but I should be able to finally, finally, put a dent into the carcass for the EC. I know I've been saying that for two weekends! :rolleyes:

I have a new garage door going in next Thursday along with the I-drive from Wayne-Dalton. This GDO will require me to add two outlets and move some wires but that should be no sweat...2 hours work max.

Sunday...ah SUNDAY! Yes!!! :D Sunday I get up early and travel to Sacramento where I'll exchange an envelope stuffed with repeated pictures of two dead presidents for a MiniMax 20" Bandsaw!!! :D I received a shipment of Timberwolf blades from Suffolk yesterday and I'll be darned if I don't need something to mount them on! :D

Gee, now I'll just need some HELP unloading that bandsaw! Michael!? Rob!? Hello, hello, hello!! :p

Scott Coffelt
05-14-2004, 1:58 PM
Well, I was smart enough on Wednesday to get the yard mowed real quick. 'Cause it has rained ever since, so at least I got until Sunday or Monday before it will need it again.

Some piddlin' around the house and town stuff on Saturday, then hopefully I can get some shop time in on the spinny thing and also begin working on cutting out pieces for a nightstand.

Really need to get some things planted and some removal of some other dead things and then something in the place of the dead things (code for pullin' and replantin' bushes).

I also really need to get the vehicles cleaned up and hopefully one of them will be clean enough to go into the classified ads. Wife hates the mini-van and wants one of those Infinity G35's.

Finally, maybe take a gander at some more acreage.

Donnie Raines
05-14-2004, 2:11 PM
Selling my house.....I hope.

(though I said that last week..too.)

Donnie Raines

Ian Barley
05-14-2004, 2:32 PM
Makin' chairs - nice article about my furniture in a national newspaper about a month ago - now working 7 day weeks and still having to extend my quoted delivery times every day.

Dan Mages
05-14-2004, 2:46 PM
I will be fertilizing the lawn tomorrow morning. I will follow up that with stripping paint from the garage floor. Then there are numerous trim and other projects around the house that need to be done.


Robert Ducharme
05-14-2004, 3:02 PM
Trying to finish up my table saw and support braces for the dust collector. Maybe even clean up a little stuff out of the garage. I still have my complete list to do from last weekend that I never got finished. :(

Tim Morton
05-14-2004, 8:17 PM
Going up to my local chevy dealer in the morning. Been looking for a truck and they have an ad in the paper offering 7 grand off oll Siverado's in stock. If they don't take that 7 grand and deduct it from the value of my trade then hopefully tomorrow I will be driving a new Chevy :D I am also going to try and squeeze a deal out on Toyota Tundra...thats the truck I think I want, we''ll see.

Jim Becker
05-14-2004, 9:09 PM
Mowing will undoubtedly be part of the weekend acivities as well as a trip to the monthly county "hazardous waste festival" to get rid of some old computer equipment, batteries, etc. Diner with friends on Saturday for our regular "3rd Saturday" night out. The rest of the weekend will involve the shop somehow...not sure about the specifics, however.

Have a great and safe weekend, everyone!

Rob Littleton
05-14-2004, 10:54 PM
Driving to Arizona..................me and my dog........SIGH!!!

Sorry Chris, I would have only have dropped the bandsaw anyways out of jealousy :-)

Take care. Im gonna try to

Mike Evertsen
05-15-2004, 12:53 AM
if the rain quits I'll be putting the 10'x6' addition on the shop this weekend. Maybe doing some painting in the shop and scubbing and resealing the floors.

Travis Lanman
05-15-2004, 11:10 AM
It's been raining here for days so I'll have to get around to mowing the yard first while this good weather holds out. Then the list starts of things that need done around the house, un-winterize the boat, edge along all of the sidewalks, work on the barn roof.... Hopefully I can finish that today and have some shop time tomarrow. Guess I better get out there if I want a chance at some shop time. :D Have a great weekend everyone.