View Full Version : Our new show is dead.

Gord Graff
09-25-2008, 6:47 PM
Hello All,

It is with deep sadness I must announce that the woodworking show that John Sillaots, Ken Tunnard and I have worked so hard to get off the ground, is dead.

No matter how hard we all tried, our schedules would not permit us to continue. At the beginning of the project, we all agreed that we would do it right or not do it at all. Since all of us are extremely passionate about what we do, it made no sense to any of us to produce a half hearted show because of scheduling conflicts.

On another sad note, my family and I have experienced a devastating personal tragedy that threatened to take from us all we have come to know and cherish. To the point where I would have to give up my first love……………………..woodworking. But by the grace of God and professional help, we are overcoming.

Folks, I don’t mind telling you that this has been the lowest low I’ve ever experienced; this is truly the darkest part of my 51 years. I find solace in my woodworking though as I always have.

Right now I’m down for the count but for those who know me, they know that I won’t be down for long. I’m a fighter and I’m getting up off the canvas as I write this and when I’m standing fully erect………………….heads up. Look for something new from me in the future……………….I’m on my way back.

On a lighter note……………………I dropped 65 pounds.

All the best


Carroll Courtney
09-25-2008, 7:36 PM
Congrads on the new you and sorry about the end of your show.I hope that you will be sucessful with your personnal battle.You have lots of friends here at SMC----Carroll

Jim Becker
09-25-2008, 8:34 PM
Life has a funny way of becoming "interesting" from time to time. 'Hope that your "interesting" smooths out and you can move on to your next plans and projects. And no matter how it happened, congratulations on the weight loss. You look good in that picture.

Eric Larsen
09-25-2008, 8:42 PM
Big difference between your "avatar" face and your new picture. Good job.

I'm in the middle of a downward weight spiral as well, but I still have 60 pounds TO GO....

The goal is 200. Six more months. It took me YEARS to put the weight on, so I can't complain that it's taking months to take it off. I'm down to fitting well in my "old" 2XLT clothes. When I hit "XLT" I know I've made it.

Who/what killed the show? Is it something you can pitch to another studio?

Clara Koss
09-25-2008, 8:44 PM
hi i am sorry you are having troubles... but as billy crystal says its not how you feel its how you look an you look grrrrreat!!!! best of luck to you and your family...

John Shuk
09-25-2008, 8:59 PM
I hope you come through in the best possible fashion.

Brent Smith
09-25-2008, 9:18 PM
Gord, whatever it is that's been happening, I know you'll get through it with strength and class intact. The best to you and your's my friend.