View Full Version : Source for 6" smooth wall flex hose

Matt Benton
09-25-2008, 1:47 PM
I am looking for a source for 6" flex hose for my DC, and was hoping I could find some with a smooth interior wall to cut down on resistance. Does anyone know if this even exists, and if not, could you recommend a source for regular flex hose?


Dick Sylvan
09-25-2008, 2:07 PM
Can't imagine how smooth wall and flexible would work. If you find it, let us know.

David Romano
09-25-2008, 2:23 PM
Alot of people like the hoses from Wynn environmental. That's what I use. There's really no solid, quantitaive data showing which brand of hose gives the least resistance though. One thing to keep in mind is that the hose has the roughest surface when it is relaxed. If it is at all possible, and is that important, try to keep the hose stretched as much as possible and keep the bends gradual. I'd bet that a little attention in this area will make a much bigger difference than buying one hose over another.


Jim O'Dell
09-25-2008, 7:54 PM
I'll add a little onto David's post. Keep your flex runs as short as possible. I think my longest one, other than the overhead guard for the TS, is about 8". Use pipe for as much as possible. Jim.

Matt Benton
09-26-2008, 4:25 PM
Since I'm sharing a 2 car garage with a car, I'm planning to fix my dc in the corner and wheel the tools to it, since all are on casters.

In doing this, I should only need 4-6 feet max of hose between the dc and tool.

My HF 2 hp came with a piece of 5" flex hose (smooth wall), and was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar. It flexes easily enough, and has a considerably smoother interior than any other I've seen...