View Full Version : Proper depth..

Matt Black
09-24-2008, 5:30 PM
of a system hole in frameless line boring?



John Lucas
09-24-2008, 5:46 PM
Not exactly sure where you are thnking. For shelf pins, measrue the depth of the pin and drill accordingly...about 3/8" for me. For 35mm cup hinges, I dont use the small screws but use instead the 5mm screw barrels and I drill 5mm for them. Did I miss one?

glenn bradley
09-24-2008, 5:52 PM
I'm with John's first statement; what are we talking about exactly?

Matt Black
09-24-2008, 6:43 PM
Sorry for the confusion, newbie here. Using a homemade Meg jig, the holes to receive the slides and hinges, in a cabinet base.

Thanks again,