View Full Version : SMC Veterans Donation to FPP

Waymon Campbell
05-13-2004, 1:24 PM
A little over a month ago I pledged to donate $10 to the FPP for each SMC member who was a veteran and responded to this post (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=8397). Well. I have received 77 responses and a couple of PMs from veterans. So, today I have mailed Ken Salisbury an $800.00 donation. Ken, please list the donation as coming from the Veterans of SMC.
To all those SMC'ers who responded, and who have served this country with honor, thanks just doesn't seem enough...

Jackie Outten
05-13-2004, 1:48 PM

Thank you so much for your generosity to the Freedom Pens Project and thanks to all our veterans who have done so much for our country.

Jackie Outten

Glenn Clabo
05-13-2004, 2:26 PM
And here's to you sir....

Bruce Page
05-13-2004, 2:54 PM


Martin Shupe
05-13-2004, 4:38 PM
That is your second large donation to the FPP. Very generous of you. Thank you on behalf of all veterans.

Dick Parr
05-13-2004, 4:40 PM
Thank You Waymon! :)

Don Abele
05-13-2004, 7:49 PM
Thanks Waymon.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-13-2004, 8:02 PM


Kenn Osborne
05-14-2004, 1:02 AM
Thank You Waymon!!!

Ken Salisbury
05-14-2004, 6:22 AM
Thanks Waymon ! !

You are a hero to FPP in my book. Your generosity overwhelms me. I will list the donation as you have requested.

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>Yesterday 3:38 PM</TD></TR><TR title="Post 71302" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Martin Shupe</TD><TD class=alt2>That is your second large donation to the FPP. Very generous of you. Thank you on behalf of all veterans.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Martin - This actually is Waymon's fourth large donation to the project.

Tyler Howell
05-14-2004, 6:54 AM
You're a good man Waymon! Thanks!:cool:

John Miliunas
05-14-2004, 8:22 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Waymon, you ROCK! :D You're a good man, sir! :cool:

Joel Shapiro
05-14-2004, 9:28 AM
Thanks Waymon, From all of us.

Earl Reid
05-14-2004, 9:33 AM
Many thanks for your donations Waymon, Thats a lot of kits for a good cause
God Bless,
Earl Reid

Rob Littleton
05-14-2004, 12:08 PM
Praise the Lord for giving hearts and the provision to give.

Thanks Waymon.

Filiph Dufffy
05-14-2004, 5:26 PM
Your generocity and commitment to the men and women is above and beyond the call of duty. BZ from an ole sailor. Phil