View Full Version : Dylos air quality meter & OSHA safety levels

Tom Walz
09-23-2008, 12:31 PM
I have been trying to relate the readings on my Dylos meter to actual heath risks.

The readings I get, even when I think it is really dusty, are nowhere close to the danger levels established by OSHA, etc.

The problem is that the OSHA levels are at a point where they absolutely will harm you. You may be harmed below that point but no one knows for sure. Scientific American did an article about this and discussed how it took decades for problems to become clear.
( http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=solving-a-massive-worker-health-puzzle (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=solving-a-massive-worker-health-puzzle) )

As you can see in the following there is already a tightening on limits for some exposures with more to follow.

The Dylos levels were established for people who were concerned about their own, individual lungs

Personally, I am going with the Dylos levels. Just my opinion. I don’t sell the units. (I looked into it but it just didn’t make sense financially.) Instead we will do an article on them in our newsletter, which I believe many of you get, and promote them for free.

Again, based on evidence such as the Scientific American article, 40 some years in industry and real desire preserve my own lungs I am going with the Dylos recommendations.

See attached pdf
