View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
09-22-2008, 8:46 AM
22 Sep 2008

Could is be Fall season already!!!!

Good Morning and there's just 94 days until Christmas. (Just thought I'd throw that one in there in case you need to start planning your gift projects now.) :D

It was a pretty hectic week at the day job last week and my firewood pile is growing but I'm still needing another tree or two to have enough for the winter.

The oldest son is in Alabama and working a new job. We are happy for him and my dad has found a doctor near them that has 20 years experience in dealing with Asperger's patients. We are excited of this news and we hope and pray that this will be the help he needs.

This week will be filled with various activities with the family as I'm off work until Friday of this week. Camping, yard work, firewood cutting, and yes, even some shop time is planned for this week.

Here's to wishing all of those that experienced IKE some good luck and quick recovery. My heart goes out to everyone that sustained damage of any kind because of the recent hurricanes.

That's it for me...so what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Joe Mioux
09-22-2008, 8:57 AM
Not much WW... too much real business this weekend.

Last Monday, my mom fell and broke her hip at the nursing home. She is 84. Friday was hip replacement surgery. She actually walked a bit yesterday. My two sisters are in the med field... one is a Physical Therapist and the other is a Physiatrist (rehab Dr.). So mom is getting the proper post-surgery attention.

I was at WC, yesterday and put my name down on a new tool. The staff let me in on Oct's sales. I went in looking at a little one.... but......well you know how upgrades go.


Tyler Howell
09-22-2008, 9:01 AM
Hey Dennis,
A little recovery time after a busy week.
Laid up some more fire wood, shop time.
Attended a concert with friends and stuffed 20 lbs of home made sausage.:D

Busy week coming up with my sister coming to visit. More fall chores and a little more fire wood.
Have a safe week and the best of luck with your son.

JohnT Fitzgerald
09-22-2008, 9:05 AM
The best laid plans....

I had hoped to start in on making an air cleaner, but I couldn't find a blower or fans to use, so I've shelved those plans until I can find them. So I spend the weekend with the kids and around the house, and doing some of the odd-ball repair jobs around the house that I've been putting off.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-22-2008, 9:07 AM
Friday night we babysat our great-granddaughter little Riley while her parents went to the Nez Perce County Fair. Sharon and I both had tough work week last week. Friday night with Riley, put smiles back on our faces! Saturday a little yardwork and a lot of college football. Sunday, a little pro football, NASCAR and a little shop work. It was a real pleasure to plan a project, lay it out, use the tablesaw, bandsaw, drill press and lathe. The shop is starting to feel like a shop. Now if the "Old Guy" had just gotten enough hardware and could remember what size T-nuts he bought, the project would have been completed. :o

Last night I ordered some wood for a project for another Creeker. Thursday and Friday I have a major hardware and software upgrade to install in an MR scanner. I hope things go well as Sunday I fly out to Milwaukee for 2 weeks of training.

Eric DeSilva
09-22-2008, 9:22 AM
Managed some shop time for a change. Finished up my "test" adirondack chair, and face-jointed and milled the stock to size for a couple of the parts for the--urp!--next *five*. Just milling the stock for five sets of arms and rear legs filled up the bag on my JDS cyclone twice! I need to confine the really loud stuff for the weekends--have a 6.5 mo old--so this is enough milled stock that I can bandsaw out parts and use the router template set up during the week if I can sneak in some evening shop time.

Also cleaned the place--tools where they belong, sawdust vamoosed...

Marlin Williams
09-22-2008, 9:31 AM
Picked up new to me 3hp Grizzly Shaper. After that picked up some sand and mixed I say about 1.25 CuYd of concrete for the driveway to my new to me shop.
Lastly on Sunday cleaned up all the bags of cement and other trash from teh mix/pour day before. Then went to Lowes and used my $10 off $50 coupons to get more cement for next weekend and also picked up 16 rolls of unfaced R30 that was reduced. That and got as new window for the shop for $25 at Lowes. Old one is a wood single pane.

Need to get done as much as I can so am ready for cold weather and first kid that should be here in March. :)

I never have a slow weekend.

Dave Cohen
09-22-2008, 9:42 AM
Received G0490X and set it up with help from a friend who owns a G0490.

The spiral head machines birds eye maple beautifully.

Ran a new 220v circuit for the jointer and had to put down a bunch of OSB t&g subfloor over my pitted garage floor so that I can wheel the machine around.

Only glitch was the blade guard which I had to take apart and retension the spring on, otherwise the machine seems to very nice so far.

Narayan Nayar
09-22-2008, 9:47 AM
Mixed weekend for me. My 2.5 year old son was very sick. But he's on the mend, and I finished a project for him which has been on my bench for way too long (mostly because I haven't been at my bench).


It was my first painted project and it was also my first "real" (i.e. non-shop) project using spray finishing. I'm happy with the way it turned out though clearly I have lots of room for improvement.

The real payoff is, of course, seeing it in action:


Other pics (http://www.flickr.com/photos/etherfarm/sets/72157607422055877/show/)

I'll type up a post in the projects forum if I've got time later this week.

Matt Meiser
09-22-2008, 10:50 AM
We went camping again which took up most of the weekend. I did remember to bring a box of scraps and a Ziploc bag of shavings which made getting the fire going very easy. We got home early afternoon Sunday so I got several hours in the shop and mostly finished my workbench as detailed in another thread. Unfortunately I broke my 1/2" Ryobi hammer drill in the process and while it is still under warranty, my first pass at find the receipt was unsuccessful so it looks like I'm in the market for a new one. I also got some primer on the cabinet for my belt/disc sander restoration. I need to get that kicked into high gear so I can get everything painted before it gets too cold--its a lot nicer to do welding and painting outside, or at least with doors/windows open.

Dave Stuve
09-22-2008, 1:14 PM
I finally finished the tinware cupboard that I started in May and didn't touch for a few months.... Phew! It's mostly 'sappy' walnut I found for $1.50/bf plus some nice curly cherry for the door panels.


Mike Goetzke
09-22-2008, 2:27 PM
Made good headway in cutting all (almost) the components for a chest/dresser/desk/bed I'm building for one of my daughters. Easily over 100 components with probably at least two cuts per piece. I used my Eurekazone power bench bridge and smart table for all the operations. This is the first time I used this system with my circular saw hooked up to my new Festool CT-33 vacuum. This vac worked out great - nice suction power and I love the auto on/off feature. Only surprise was that even though I cut a lot of ply, oak, and walnut I didn't expect to fill the vac. bag in one weekend (these bags are expensive). Guess I'll have to look at making a separator for the vac.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/th_IMG_2352.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/IMG_2352.jpg) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/th_IMG_2360.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/IMG_2360.jpg) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/th_IMG_2363.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v212/mbg/EZ%20Smart/PBB%20STK/IMG_2363.jpg)


Steve Clardy
09-22-2008, 2:30 PM
Cut lots of firewood.
Son and grandson were supposed to help but :confused: never seen them in the woods. :rolleyes::)

Also picked up LOT'S of chiggers. :eek:
Forgot the deepwoods spray :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Jim Becker
09-22-2008, 4:16 PM
Busy weekend here...a lot of horsie things...the remaining clean up from my wood milling last Wednesday (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=92499)...and a couple of 'Creeker visits (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=92740), Tom Henry and Zahid Naqvi. I didn't get into the shop as planned to begin completing the work of getting glass in the wet bar upper doors, but I will get to that soon.

On the horsie front, Nastia competed in her first "real" show on Sunday morning and took two firsts, two seconds, one third and one fifth...also giving her the "Grand Champion" ribbon in her group. We were very proud of her accomplishments. I also had my first "English" riding lesson on Saturday...I'm spending so much time at the stable that I figure I might as well participate a little.

Here's some pictures from Nastia's wins:




Graham Skinner
09-22-2008, 8:05 PM
Thats a nice score, with the horse's Jim.
You had better watch out for your Nick Nacks if your going to start riding English style:rolleyes:, the trot used to kill me when I tied it:eek:.

Cheers and good luck....Graham....

John Shuk
09-22-2008, 8:22 PM
Did some apple picking Saturday with another family and made the stilts from "Ask This Old House" Sunday with my 7 year old. I think I like them more than he does! Using the pine railings was brilliant.
I used some old 2x6 I had laying around and pine for the treads and it seems just fine.