View Full Version : Cherry NE

Toney Robertson
09-19-2008, 9:18 PM
Well, not to dredge up bad feelings but this is one of the pieces that was turned down by the state of Indiana. :(

It is from a cherry tree that I had to remove from our back yard. Even though ants and other critters had been eating away, it was great to be able to utilize quite of bit of the tree. I don't think I will sell this one.

It is 11 3/4" x 4 3/4" with wall thickness about 1/4". DO finish and then buffed.

I could not save the bark. The layer below the bark was way too soft. I assume that taking it down in the summer did not help on that regard. I have thought about some kind of embellishment on the exposed rim. I have not made up my mind.

I don't know what caused the comet looking stain on the one end. I assume that the tree had some iron in it close to where this blank came from.





Tom Lewis
09-19-2008, 9:46 PM
Beautiful piece of work! I have experienced dark colored stains like that when the wood had a nail in it.

Bernie Weishapl
09-19-2008, 11:44 PM
Toney that is a great looking bowl. A couple of things you could have did where the bark was is to burn the edge. I use a soldering iron. Or use India ink works pretty well. I have also saturated the bark and below with CA to get it to hold pretty well. Nicely done.

Steve Schlumpf
09-19-2008, 11:53 PM
Good looking bowl Toney! Great color and form! Like Bernie suggested - you can burn or ink in the edge to give it some contrast or just let it stay as is!