View Full Version : Hurricane Ike in Ohio

Jon Lanier
09-16-2008, 10:30 PM
The State of Ohio was deemed into a state of emergency today due to the winds from Hurricane Ike. The last two days I've been going around helping church folks clean up their yards. Rakes, hatchet and Stihl Chainsaw in hand. Josh went with me today since there was no school... Little guy worked his tushi off. I've been able to pull out some bowl blanks here and there.. some just to small. Today I got a few good pieces of Honey Locust. We've got a few more days of work ahead of us... just at church folks homes.



Here is Josh after our work for the day:


Here is a deacon and myself (in red) pulling a huge chunk of Pine that got ripped off the top of a tree.


Greg Just
09-16-2008, 10:33 PM
My sister lives south of Cleveland and they had 80 mph winds on Sunday. There were no warnings from the weather service and lots of trees were lost. Hopefully no one was hurt.

Jon Lanier
09-16-2008, 10:39 PM
Greg, I understand that deaths were to a few due to the winds. This for us and the rest of the state was extremely freakish wind storm. We are used the tornado thing... but sustained 70 mph winds for hours is something I don't think anyone could predict.


Dave Stoler
09-18-2008, 12:18 PM
I,ve worked with the highway dept. here in Akron and go out for all bad weather.We closed 8 roads sunday night because of fallen trees and power lines.It,s the worst I have seen short of the blizzard of 77.

Justin Leiwig
09-18-2008, 12:42 PM
I just now got my power on here in Dayton. I work for the county and I've been helping people for the past three days. Friday night when I left for a weekend of camping we were supposed to get 4 inches of rain. We got no rain but almost 80 mph winds. Unfortunately for you turners the two hard maple trees in my yard didn't fall like I hoped they would.

Dick Sylvan
09-18-2008, 1:25 PM
Not to belittle any bad experiences up north, but it was a lot worse down here!!!!!

John Grabowski
09-18-2008, 1:48 PM
The thing that is most frightening about the storms here is Ohio is that our building codes don't fit hurricane standards. I live near Youngstown and I lost a giant maple. Well, most of it anyway. This was a 50 year old maple that we are now going to be cutting down.

36 inches at its base and runs 12 feet high before it branches out. Two of the giant branches that run out of the base snapped off. Both branches were solid and healthy.

This tree is going to cost me a ton to bring down. It hangs over the neighbors yard and garage so I cant even bring it down myself.

Very sad.

John G

Justin Leiwig
09-18-2008, 5:11 PM
Not to belittle any bad experiences up north, but it was a lot worse down here!!!!!

You = close to coast, more wind.

Me = never had wind like that in Ohio.

Ohio is not a known hurricane town.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-20-2008, 5:38 AM
Not to belittle any bad experiences up north, but it was a lot worse down here!!!!!I'll second that. I'm still without electricity and they say we will be at least until next Thursday.:(
As a native born and raised Buckeye (Akron area) I hear you guys too!:o

Paul Greathouse
09-20-2008, 7:13 AM
Not to belittle any bad experiences up north, but it was a lot worse down here!!!!!

Here's a sample of what the Texas coast saw. My prayers go out to everyone effected by Ike. It could have easily been us instead.



Scott Lux
09-20-2008, 10:28 AM
It's true we're not ready for the sustained hurricane force winds. But it has to be worse in TX. We didn't get a storm surge and buckets of rain. Just because a place is known to be hurricane prone doesn't mean it's ready for one. Heck, just look at Columbus (OH) drivers during a mild snow :D They act like it's never snowed before.

The saying goes, "It is an ill wind indeed that blows no one good." Well, I got good. No damage to house or persons, and I now have a lot of elm (hackberry?) and more pear to turn. If you're in the area, I have a neighbor with an apple tree that needs disposed of.
