View Full Version : My First Three Pens!

Paul Fitzgerald
09-15-2008, 11:11 PM
Hey everyone!

I just finished my very first pens: 1 was Hard Maple, 2 was Cherry, and 3 was Purpleheart.


Not only were these my first pens, but they were also my first lathe projects and I'm pretty happy with the results.


I work with a fellow who used to turn pens with his son, but hasn't done any turning in a few years. He gave me some supplies and explained that he finished his pens with carnauba wax only (and gave me a bar).

I'm not so sure I like the carnauba wax finish. It doesn't seem very durable to me. The pens also don't feel any different to me than bare wood. I've read about EEE and Shellawax as well as finishing with CA. 250ml of EEE and 250ml of Shellawax would run me 'bout $50, and the thought of finishing with CA kind of makes me nervous, though I hear it's pretty easy. :D

I used to have a couple good CA finishing tutorials bookmarked, but they've gone missing and I can't seem to find 'em on the net again.

Anyone have any tips or links to tutorials?



Ken Fitzgerald
09-15-2008, 11:19 PM

Nice first pens!

Try the International Association of Penturners for some good information in the Library forum.

I just started using the CA finish a couple of weeks ago. I like it. Here is a link to Russ Fairfields video on applying a CA finish. It really is that easy IMHO. I like it.


Again....Nice pens!

Bernie Weishapl
09-15-2008, 11:20 PM
Paul those are some nice pens. You did well. I use a product called Enduro from Bear Tooth Woods. It is a sanding sealer followed by Enduro poly. So far it leave a good surface and the pen I have carried for a year now looks good. Drawback is it takes a couple of days to put these on. For me it is no big thing because I am not in that big of a hurry. For the quick ones I use a product that Cindy Drozda put me onto, Mylands lacquer. It so far seems like it is pretty durable and you can put several coats on in a few minutes. I have used the CA and can't find my directions either but don't care for it. The smell gets to me. I don't do a lot of pens maybe 60 to 65 in the last 3 yrs. mostly for gifts.

Steve Schlumpf
09-15-2008, 11:29 PM
Good looking pens Paul! The link that Ken included is the same one I was going to suggest. Have fun turning! Looking forward to seeing more of your work real soon!

Paul Fitzgerald
09-15-2008, 11:33 PM
Thanks guys!

Ah, Russ Fairfield. That was one of the links I had. Thank you.

I've got a bunch of stock that's going to be perfect for pen blanks. I can't wait to get back out in the shop. :D


Keith Burns
09-16-2008, 9:27 AM
Hey Paul, nice pens ! Have you been to the Mid-South Woodturnes Guild yet ? Great bunch of guys and a lot of help. Here the link to the website. Next meeting is the 27th.

Paul Fitzgerald
09-16-2008, 1:04 PM
Hey Paul, nice pens ! Have you been to the Mid-South Woodturnes Guild yet ? Great bunch of guys and a lot of help. Here the link to the website. Next meeting is the 27th.

Hey Keith,

No, I haven't been by, but I'll see if I can make it.

Thanks for the tip!
