View Full Version : Dewalt 735

mike thomas01
09-15-2008, 10:55 AM
The blades on my planer seemed to be dull so I decided to turn them around. This is the first time I have had to change or "spin" the blades in the year and a half I have owned the planer. When I removed the retainer plates, I discovered that one blade was installed with the beveled side facing up, while the other two had the beveled side facing down. (This is as if you are looking down on an installed blade) My question is-which way is correct? The manual just says, "change the blade".....
(BTW, the other edge on that blade is painfully sharp!)
Help is always appreciated.

Brad Townsend
09-15-2008, 11:41 AM
The blades on my planer seemed to be dull so I decided to turn them around. This is the first time I have had to change or "spin" the blades in the year and a half I have owned the planer. When I removed the retainer plates, I discovered that one blade was installed with the beveled side facing up, while the other two had the beveled side facing down. (This is as if you are looking down on an installed blade) My question is-which way is correct? The manual just says, "change the blade".....
(BTW, the other edge on that blade is painfully sharp!)
Help is always appreciated.
All I can say is WOW! The beveled side should be up when you lay it on the pins. If you have been using it all this time with two of the three knives flipped the wrong way, you should notice some improved performance when they are installed correctly.

mike thomas01
09-15-2008, 1:10 PM
I can say WOW now too! It works a lot better with the blades in correctly.
Thanks Brad

JohnT Fitzgerald
09-15-2008, 1:25 PM
reminds me of a funny story - my brother had just bought a house, and he and another brother were installing the garage door opener (with the rest of us "supervising"). he had to drill a hole in a board to mount to the wall, so he broke out his brand new, variable speed, cordless drill that he was so proud of. put the bit in, started drilling.....nothing. so he turned the speed up and pressed harder, and the wood started smoking. Finally, someone pointed out that he should put the drill in "forward", and then it worked much better :)

Brad Townsend
09-15-2008, 2:43 PM
Yeah, that's a good one. Even the pros make that mistake. I once had a cable installer come to my house and pulled out a HUGE drill with a masonry bit about two feet long, to go through the brick facing on my house. He started to drill and I went inside to wait for the bit to break through. After about five minutes, I went back outside to find him bearing down for all he was worth on a bit going backwards. He had penetrated about an inch! When I tactfully pointed out to him what he was doing, he didn't say another word. Just finished up as fast as he could and left.:D