View Full Version : The Coliseum? Well, looks like it to me...

Mike Minto
09-14-2008, 6:21 PM
Here's a small piece of Yorrel burl I purchased at the symposium in Richmond this year. Funny how things turn out when one hasn't a firm plan in mind for a piece. I wanted to use my OneWay Drill Wizard, and here's what happened. Looks like that old Roman forum, at least, a little, I think. Anyway, enjoy! Mike

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2008, 7:02 PM
Great looking piece Mike. You are right about what it looks like as that was my first thought. It is amazing when you start out with a piece of wood with a idea and then it changes.

Richard Madison
09-14-2008, 8:50 PM
Cool piece Mike, and very interesting wood. It is one of those pieces that, sooner or later, someone (not on this forum of course) is going to ask "What's it for?"

Steve Schlumpf
09-14-2008, 11:43 PM
Interesting piece Mike! Good looking wood! So, how did you like the Oneway Drill Wizard?

Mike Minto
09-15-2008, 10:03 AM
Steve, I think it's a really cool addition to a lathe, but takes some real imagination to use well (not saying I have that imagination). I wanted one, but then kept trying to find a use for it. I think it will come in handy now and again, remains to be seen as I haven't had it long. Does add an interesting dimension to decorating turnings, though it can be tough to turn a smooth surface over the holes. Takes a real light touch, particularly with wood that wants to chip. Daivd Ellsworth has some nice pieces with holes in them, I've seen on his website. Still thinking about uses! Mike :)

Leo Van Der Loo
09-15-2008, 1:39 PM
Mike try filling the openings with contrasting wood, and return it, the drilled holes on more steep angles will give you ovals or diamond shapes if you leave ridges, there's a whole slew of interesting things you can do, also spoked wheels or other interesting things, just experiment and HAVE FUN

curtis rosche
09-15-2008, 3:41 PM
neat and interesting

Mike Minto
09-19-2008, 12:35 PM
To paraphrase Chief Dan George in an episode of 'Kung Fu', It's not for eating, it's just for looking at... Mike :D

Toney Robertson
09-19-2008, 8:46 PM
To paraphrase Chief Dan George in an episode of 'Kung Fu', It's not for eating, it's just for looking at... Mike :D


I think you have the right quote but the wrong movie/TV show.

Unless he had the exact line in two different movies/TV shows, that line was from Outlaw Josey Wales. He was talking about a piece of hard rock candy.

Just FYI.


Mike Minto
02-19-2009, 1:02 PM
u know, i think ur right. mike