View Full Version : Segmented bowl, critique please

Tim Self
09-13-2008, 7:13 PM
Walnut and Red Oak. 7.25 x 2.25 Wax finished and buffed. Hated waiting for the dry up though but I think it was worth it.


robert hainstock
09-13-2008, 7:31 PM
Very interesting form, nice finish. good job! :)

Ben Gastfriend
09-13-2008, 9:08 PM
Segmented pieces always get my attention. That looks great. I haven't attempted anything like this- yet.

Bernie Weishapl
09-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Looks good to me. I really like the contrasting woods.

Steve Schlumpf
09-13-2008, 11:43 PM
Tim - that's an interesting design you came up with and it looks like you put in a lot of time and effort creating it! Nice work! I like your use of different woods - they play off of each other quite well. I have to admit that I am not a segmenter but have followed a number of folks who have gotten into segmenting recently and one of the main things they always stress is to minimize any cross-grain joints as they will separate with time.

I think this was a good effort and look forward to seeing your next post!

Curt Fuller
09-14-2008, 12:08 AM
Nice bowl! I like that M C Escher like design in the bottom.

Bill Dunn jr
09-14-2008, 12:14 AM
Nice bowl Tim. I hope to do some segmented turnings one of these days.

Malcolm Tibbetts
09-14-2008, 2:06 AM
Tim, you've tackled a difficult design. It's tough getting all those seams to line up. Steve mentioned "cross-grain" joinery - it is a big concern. In this example, I would not be too concerned; the cross-grain joints are at angles and they aren't too large. For me, the overall shape could have been better. It's common to see segmented shapes be dedicated (or at least seriously influenced) by the segmented components. Even through it's segmented, the shape should pass muster on it's own. I wonder; if you had turned this from a solid piece of wood, would you have created the same shape? I'd guess, not. Something to think about as you design and build future segmented pieces.

Tim Self
09-14-2008, 9:17 AM
I was not going for this shape actually. I went with what I had made. The second level was larger diameter than I had planned so I went with a flatter layout. These things are fun to design, BUT can be frustrating if your angles are not exact.:confused: At least in the layout. After turning, it is difficult to distinguish a degree or two.

Thanks for all the comments and feed back. This is a present for a gentleman who gave me over 35 bf of 8/4 30+ yr old walnut.

Walt Nollan
09-14-2008, 9:25 AM
Tim I know just how difficult the geo cube is. I did it a few years ago. I agree with Malcolm about the shape. It also appears that you did not carry the cube wood species through to all the cubes or the placement is off which can be distracting. Here is the one I did.
