View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" - Wo-Zha-Wa Edition

Karl Laustrup
09-12-2008, 7:14 AM
Friday September 12th, 2008


It's that time of year again. The end of the summer season as far as Wisconsin Dells is concerned, although there will still be people coming up for the colors as we segue into autumn.

This is the last hurrah, so to speak, and was originally done some 40 years ago to reward the part time summer workers. It was to be a party for them. It has grown to the point that most of them have to work and it's one of the bigger weekends of the year. Wo-Zha-Wa is Ho-Chunk and roughly translated means having a good time. For those of you that don't recognize the name Ho-Chunk, they were known as the Winnebago Tribe up until the mid 90's.

Weather has been rather fall like this week with temps only in the 50's and 60's with some rain thrown in also. I actually got some things done in the shop though. I managed to get some more done on the 2 flag display cases I'm working on. Slowly but surely.

It's going to be a weekend to get some more things done outside to prepare for the upcoming winter. Lots of stuff to put away and find room for under cover.

So, what's happening in your neck of the woods? Fun, games, work?

Have a great weekend and as always please be SAFE.


Jim Becker
09-12-2008, 8:37 AM
I think we all need some Wo-Zha-Wa!!!

I will be in the shop again this weekend (!) as well as catering to the horsie activities for the older and mowing the lawn. It's been about a month since the last time I had to mow, but we had a lot of rain here lately (much needed) and more is on the way. My shop time will be devoted to finishing the milling of some "antique" construction pine that originally made up the book shelves on the loft in our great room prior to the addition and that will be used to construct some night stands for the girls as well as for stickers. I need the stickers as I'm hoping to get some poplar logs milled next week while I'm vacation again. ("use it or lose it time"--the end of my employer's fiscal year is at hand)

Tyler Howell
09-12-2008, 8:48 AM
Hey Karl,
More shop time. Garage door guy will be here this afternoon.
Some more boat work today and tomorrow. http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=92067

Touring some of the old lodges on the Gun Flint Trail tomorrow and then I'll cook up some of the lake trout I caught for friends.

More sailing this weekend and end of season chores.

Have a safe weekend.

Lon LeBlanc
09-12-2008, 9:00 AM
Got some remodeling to do in my office in the little town of Blue Jay, up here near Lake Arrowhead. I'm doing a bit of subdividing and have to build two stud walls, cut one door, frame two doors, and just generally change the layout to make the workflow better.

I'm hoping to get into the workshop for a bit next week and start on a couple of new bookcases. But for now I feel a bit like a construction worker and will be doing rough carpentry for the entire weekend.

Fall is fast approaching, however, and there will be those "weather proofing" activities that need to be done before winter sets in. Also found another resident up here with about 200 pine tree rounds on his property that he would like "disappeared". So, it looks like some of my upcoming weekends will be spent wearing my "Paul Bunyan" hat too. More free firewood!


Ken Fitzgerald
09-12-2008, 9:33 AM
Crazy week at work this week. I've worked late every evening. This old guy doesn't take late evenings like he once could.

I have 3 FPP pen blanks cut, drilled and glued up. I hope to get them done Saturday.

Sunday..we drive to Wallawalla for a cookout of the 1st degree for the group of guys I work with....steaks and lobstair tails.....fall is, indeed, in the air.

Had a guy come out and look at my "turf marked" 5th wheel this week. They can't repaint it...they could but I wouldn't like the results. The siding has to be replaced. Ouch! $500 deductible on my insurance on that trailer just so some little turkey could mark his turf.

Steven Almas
09-12-2008, 9:39 AM
Well, yesterday I received 2 pallets from Grizzly, on one is the 490x jointer, on the other is the 555x band saw. Now you would think I would be excited about these new toys and be spending all weekend in the shop, but alas, I promised the LOML that I would watch the baby so she could get some work done and I have to mow...big time.

The toys will sit a few days longer... *sigh*

Jacob Reverb
09-12-2008, 10:27 AM
Rigging out the duck boat with sideboards and grass...doing some welding on its trailer to beef up some areas where the salt tore it up...also HOPING to get out to do some fishing, if only the tuna would re-appear...

alex grams
09-12-2008, 10:34 AM
Battening down the hatches down here in Houston. Looks like things may get a little bumpy, but we should be OK. Probably some minor damage. A busted window or two and some lost shingles are what I am expecting, but have no doubt it could be worse.

Rod Sheridan
09-12-2008, 12:30 PM
Alex, best wishes on the storm, hopefully everything works out.

A few years ago I was working with a gent from Florida and it was winter and we were in the middle of a snowstorm in Toronto.

He was tired of the cold and commented that he sure wouldn't want to live here with the snow storms, he'd take a hurricane any day over a snow storm.

I laughed and said "Well, during a snowstorm I normally stay home, and watch the storm while enoying a hot mug of tea. It's a lot better than having the roof of your house blow into your neighbours yard".

He remained unconvinced, I guess it's what you're used to.

Again, best wishes on the storm, hopefully no loss of life and minimal damage.

Regards, Rod.

Michael Schumacher
09-12-2008, 12:36 PM
Been a while since I've hanged around here.

I've got some planning/thinking to do this weekend. I'm looking to figuring out siding for the house - which most likely will be into next week too. This weekend I'm going to attempt to get baseboard put in the house - assuming the little 9 month old does provide his help. I might have to go help a friend stain his deck, but weather looks rain for today and some tomorrow - so I doubt that we'd be doing that.


Lon LeBlanc
09-12-2008, 2:20 PM
Battening down the hatches down here in Houston. Looks like things may get a little bumpy, but we should be OK. Probably some minor damage. A busted window or two and some lost shingles are what I am expecting, but have no doubt it could be worse.

Good luck, Alex. My folks are in Baton Rouge and just went through Gustav....lost power for a week, but otherwise OK.

Stepdaughter is an MD out here at Loma Linda Med Center. She deployed to Florida last week, and was moved to Corpus Christi day before yesterday. Hope she's "bored" for the entire weekend, and that everyone is OK.

Praying for everyone!


Matt Meiser
09-12-2008, 2:51 PM
Home for once. I've been in Dallas for work all week and I'm working on getting home right now. I have to do a bunch of maintenance--250 hour maintenance on the tractor, oil change on the Mule, a little painting outside, and trimming bushes. But my wife said the forecast is for rain which might shoot that all because the tractor and Mule need pressure washing first. So I'll probably work on my PM sander restore instead. Plus its her birthday so we're going out Saturday night.

Dan Gill
09-12-2008, 4:32 PM
Haven't posted in a while. Sorry. I'm bleeding the brakes on my bike, and my cousin is coming over to get me to bandsaw and shape the headstock on his guitar kit. He's building a Telecaster copy. Other than that I'll probably rip some more wood and do a cutting board glue-up or two.

Karl Laustrup
09-12-2008, 5:24 PM
Battening down the hatches down here in Houston. Looks like things may get a little bumpy, but we should be OK. Probably some minor damage. A busted window or two and some lost shingles are what I am expecting, but have no doubt it could be worse.

Take care down there Alex. From what we're hearing up here, it sounds like the storm surge is going to be the main concern. Galveston is predicted at around 20 feet.


Eric Larsen
09-12-2008, 5:45 PM
I look forward to the weekend that DOESN'T include the word "stairs."

I'm still waiting on more parts... hope they come today.

Fred Voorhees
09-12-2008, 7:14 PM
Saturday will be spent at work logging in some overtime. Lots of that probably right on through Christmas. 9 1/2 hours M-F and 8 1/2 on Saturdays every week. Might even be bumped up to more hours daily. Money is nice, but it leaves absolutely (almost) no time for anything else.:eek:

Ben Davis
09-12-2008, 8:12 PM
Well, I'm starting my first of (yikes!) eight sets of plantation shutters. I plan on working totally through one set to work out the problems and then make things into a production line... my time frame on this is hopefully less than 4 weeks for the first set. We'll see how everything goes though. Wish me luck!

Eric Larsen
09-13-2008, 8:24 PM
The parts I need for the stairs are "delayed in shipping," so I'm taking the weekend off. I mean really off. I had half a mind to make an outfeed table, but decided to have a beer instead so I wouldn't go into the shop.

The outfeed table can wait.

I'm making a batch of buffalo wings for tomorrow's games. Then I'm making some crab legs. I went to my fishmonger for some salmon today, and she told me she just got a shipment of king crab that "was in Alaska yesterday" (can any Alaskans tell me if that's hogwash?). She had it at $8/lb, so I bought a lot of it. LOML are going to eat crab, shuck more crab, and freeze the meat.

Tomorrow we're going to have more crab, wings, and watch with rapt attention to see how the Patriots do without Brady. :(

Monday I'll make an outfeed table and get on the horn with my stair hardware supplier. It's good to take a weekend. I haven't done it in months.