View Full Version : John ... about LDD ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-11-2003, 10:59 PM
Here's probably a good place to start looking into LDD for your turning needs. I'm fairly new at this myself, only having done it a few months. Yes the bowls do continue to dry after you finish turn them but I've not had any to crack after three months. When I feel they are completely dry (I don't do any scientific measuring or anything), I finish sanding lightly and apply usually a mineral oil finish, since so far they've been used for fruit bowls. I'm continuing to learn myself. I had a particularly tough bowl that had knots in it a couple of weeks ago. It caught and broke my tool rest. I soaked it in LDD and returned to it later and it turned without a hint of a catch. It's something I'm experimenting with, but it works, and you don't have to worry about cracks nearly as bad, I'm sure some do, but none of mine have. I rough turn to 1/2 inches evenly, then soak, then finish turn. Let me know how you do if you try it.


John Miliunas
03-11-2003, 11:13 PM
Appreciate the info and the link. Me thinks I may just have to try this. The author says it works with dry wood, as well. That's a big one for me, because I rarely stumble across green wood. :cool:

Harvey Meyer
03-12-2003, 8:48 AM
I'm definitely going to give it a try. I've read a lot about LDD in the past, as well as all the other methods, and the LDD solution seems to be the simplest and least risky. I'm heading across the street to Costco during lunch to pick up a few gallons. And after that I'm on my way to Richmond to raid your stash!!
