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View Full Version : Magazine Gloat...I am still shocked!

Tom Henry
09-11-2008, 10:05 PM
Ok...I am still shocked over this...I stumbled across a ad on CL that said Fine Woodworking and Fine HomeBuilding Magazines...better given than in the recycle bin. :eek: I called the guy and he said he had a few years just come out and get them. It was a 30 minute ride to his house and when I got there he had about 4 boxes of magazines. This just shows how generous woodworkers are! There was over 10 years of Fine Woodworking and over 17 years of Fine HomeBuilding...and if that wasn't enough there was a few other books in that pile. :D I will use these magazines and give them a good home!

Peter Quinn
09-11-2008, 10:09 PM
Good deal. Last year I was given a nearly complete collection of FWW going back to the late 1970's that were headed for a dumpster! Good stuff in there, nice to see it in print.

jim oakes
09-11-2008, 10:39 PM
I was given a complete set of FWW stating with #1 two years ago. What a treasure. I was an original subscriber back in 1975 and read them all cover to cover,but tossed them after a few years. Now I'm kinda living the past over again remembering what I was up to when I originally got the magazine.
The most fun is to see the prices on machines. Watching the development of new tools and asian machines is great too. Some failed, some got popular for awhile and faded , some are classics.

What really gets me is when I see a hard to find tool I used to own. Of course I say "Dang, I wish I never sold that"

Eric Larsen
09-11-2008, 11:01 PM
Great gloat. There's nothing like reading one and saying, "Didn't the Reds win the World Series that year?"