View Full Version : More poplar, How do I proceed

Brian Brown
09-11-2008, 1:46 PM
This is made from the same log as my other post today, but shortly after I finished turning this one, it warped. :( This is a bit too large for my lathe, so I took it to a friend and he put it in his doughnut check, so I could finish the bottom. He brought the tailstock center too hard against the bottom, and nearly blew a hole thorugh it. :eek: I don't like the "belly button" on the bottom, but it is too thin to turn it out. :mad: I didn't have time to tung oil this one immediatly after turning, and that may have helped cause the warping. It is not finished in these pictures. I would like a critique of this one also. It is 9.5 inches wide, and 2.5 inches tall. Sanded to 800 grit and made from figured poplar.

Also, is it worth trying to re-turn it to fix the warping, or should I just leave it alone? :confused:

Al Wasser
09-11-2008, 2:03 PM
I would probably just finish it an call it good. The only one the will recognize that the bottom is not "right" is another wood turner. The warping just adds character to the bowl so leave it alone..... my 2 cents

Paul Engle
09-11-2008, 2:42 PM
Brian, I'd leave the warp. looks good btw. nice work .

Steve Schlumpf
09-11-2008, 4:20 PM
Brian - finish it as is! The warp will work in your favor on this one - it becomes more of an Art piece. Nice size, lots of figure and I like the knot! Sounds like you are getting close to considering a larger lathe! LOL

Nice bowl! Would like to see a photo of it once finished!

robert hainstock
09-11-2008, 5:00 PM
Nice look for pople. I agree finish it. :):)

Bernie Weishapl
09-11-2008, 5:46 PM
Good looking bowl Brian. I would leave it and just finish it.