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View Full Version : Green and Green Furniture

richard poitras
09-10-2008, 5:48 PM
Does anyone know of a good source for information on how to build Green & Green furniture? I did get the Green and Green/ Design Elements for the Workshop /book buy Darrell Peart from the library and it is the best book I found so far on how to make the details on the pieces with jigs to help in that regards. But does anyone know of others information (books, videos,blogs, ext.) out there to help in the construction or techniques needed to build the Green pieces.

Mike K Wenzloff
09-10-2008, 5:56 PM
Robert Lang's book, Shop Drawings for Green & Greene Furniture is a good book for the 23 plans shown.


Take care, Mike

Gary Curtis
09-10-2008, 7:04 PM
Richard, get a copy of:
Greene & Greene — Design Elements for the Workshop

by Darrell Peart

Linden Publishing

Jim Becker
09-10-2008, 8:08 PM
Gary beat me to it...I was going to mention Darrell's book, too.

Brad Shipton
09-10-2008, 8:12 PM
Did you find Darrells website? There is also a greene and greene yahoo group (darrell is a member there) you might want to check out. Not a lot of traffic, but if you post a Q you may get some good advice.


Mike K Wenzloff
09-10-2008, 8:28 PM
Gary beat me to it...I was going to mention Darrell's book, too.
Uh, Gary and Jim--Richard wrote he has Peart's book ;)

But I forgot about the Yahoo group. Great source of information.

Take care, Mike

Pete Clifford
09-10-2008, 9:37 PM
Popular Woodworking is in the midst of running a three-part series on G&G furniture. This month's magazine edition is 2 of 3. They also have posted some pictures on their blog, which are downloadable as a PDF file. Here are the links:
http://blogs.popularwoodworking.com/editorsblog/SearchView.aspx?q=greene (http://blogs.popularwoodworking.com/editorsblog/SearchView.aspx?q=greene)

Jim Becker
09-10-2008, 9:39 PM
Uh, Gary and Jim--Richard wrote he has Peart's book

LOL...well, then he made a good decision! :)

Greg Cole
09-11-2008, 9:31 AM
Darrell's book is quite good, much more than the "typical" G n G book of pretty pictures of the homes. Athough I do like those there purty pics too....
I wish someone would publish more info about the Hall Brothers too. They were the hands on craftsman for much of the furniture etc... or if there is anything about the Hall Bro's around, anyone care to share?


Brad Shipton
09-11-2008, 12:02 PM
I agree. I wish there was more info about the Hall brothers. To me it seems the Greene's came up with a general concept and the brothers made it work. They seem to me to be the true artists, but I suspect they were very humble people not needing a whole lot of credit or any want for the spotlight.


Greg Cole
09-11-2008, 12:24 PM
I've looked casually for info on the Hall Bros and find very little other than bio info and that they spend much of their working years on G n G projects. From what I've seen of the G n G homes, they were too busy building to find any spotlight per say....
Guess I'll have to spend a little more time looking....


Gary Curtis
09-11-2008, 2:55 PM
When my WWing club in San Fernando took a tour of the Gamble and Blacker homes in Pasadena, the homeowner spoke of borrowing some Green & Green pieces now owned by the Metropolitan Museum in New York. He also acquired or copied many of the working drawings from the Hall brothers who made the original furniture.

It turns out that much of the furniture in the Blacker House was sold off and ended up in that museum. The present owner spent a fortune on restoration, had a furniture maker from Los Angeles replicate the furniture after travelling to New York. I think if you wanted his name you could get it from the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.

Those drawings are still around, though not copied in a convenient book.

Gary Curtis

richard poitras
09-11-2008, 5:06 PM
Thanks for all the responses I did check out a couple of other books today at Barns and Nobel most of them just have pictures of the green furniture or have info on the brothers and all the other info I found in those books about construction were already covered in Darrell Peart book. So I would say that Darrell book is probably the best source for construction on the G & G furniture that I have reviewed as of this point. Looking at Darrell’s web site he does offer classes on construction of the G & G basics at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, founded by Jim Tolpin in Washington. For a reasonable price. (But I guess you have to live in that area to make it worth it) he also is working on a new book with more information on construction from what I can tell also …..