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View Full Version : Steel City Ripper.. In Custody!

John Thompson
09-10-2008, 1:10 PM
My new saw is ready to go to work finally. The saw is the 5 HP SC used by quite few local cabinet shops I discovered at IWF. It is extremely well machined and the castings are massive with a trunnion spaced rather wide. 4" x 14" throat plate as the older PM 66 which makes it easy to get your hands inside.

The 35626 (35625 main component saw with 35626 as 50" rail package) saw is well tuned at the factory as I checked run-out off the pallet. The cast iron wings mesh perfectly and the top is ground to one of the best finishes I have seen. The main table is dead flat (under .001) and the extentions ran from .001 - .002 with one area on the front corner of the left extention about 3" square that dipped .004. A keeper for sure.

Run-out on the arbor flange was .0004 (1/2500") and the miter slit set at the factory was .0008 (1/1250"). Massive trunnions and running gear. This would be an excellent saw for cabinet shops especially with a Power Feeder as it is very accurate and extremely well machined for $1900. The 5 HP is not necessarily needed by most hobbyist but is there if you need it. There are no bells or whistles on the saw... just lots of heavily cast iron and plenty of accuracy which makes it a cabinet shop natural.

But I am not a cabinet shop and decided to do my usual "tricking out" to make it small shop freindly as I do hire out to rip and surface rough stock for others with saw-milled stock that they air dried. So... I set out to make it user friendly for my own needs. I believe in safety and I believe in keeping dust to a minimum. You will see what I have done to get it to the point I require.

Some of the pictures my not be printed as we are limited to 106 kb I believe. If not.. I will get more main saw shots latter. I needed long stock rip capablity and had a few ideas for extentions as that is the only safe way to atttemp that feat alone. A few other goodies and the saw is ready to go to work.

All I need to do is stand outside the firing lane and keep my hands clear of RED Zone at this point and....

Let the Big Dawg Eat...


John Thompson
09-10-2008, 1:13 PM
More pictures...

John Thompson
09-10-2008, 1:14 PM
The last...

Greg Cole
09-10-2008, 1:53 PM
I can see why you parted ways with the old saw....
Should be all ya need for a good long while there Sarge.


John Thompson
09-10-2008, 2:53 PM
It will be the last saw I ever purchase unless some un-likely event occurs, Greg. I can't imagine why I would need more frankly..



glenn bradley
09-10-2008, 3:51 PM
She a beauty.

Greg Cole
09-10-2008, 4:26 PM
I've been toying with upgrading my GI contractor saw but have always found another place to park my $.... for now anyway. I've found a few alternatives to the Saw Stop I said I was going to buy after the jointer boo boo to the left hand. The no bells n whistles advertisement from you and the write up from you has put another option on the list. Now about that money thing....:rolleyes:
Being a ripe old 34, I'd wager that Ripper would be around with I'm done and not just with the hobby, ya know?
BTW Sarge, your #6 has been seeing alot of my hands lately.;)


Steve Clardy
09-10-2008, 4:32 PM
Nice looking saw and great write up John ;)

John Thompson
09-10-2008, 5:56 PM
I pretty much "tricked it out" to my pleasing Greg. Cut the rails down to 40" as I don't need 50". Used a door hinge and mounted the Panic Paddle which is scrap basswood spray can paint red. Added the extra T track at end for the spring-board.. added a half fence with some UHMW and a set of Rockler unieversal clamps.. big mouth dust shield from Penn State.. crown guard is scrap hardwood... added L shaped cam levers for quick release of splitter.. over-head dust is just PVC piping..

And the extentions are made from cut down Rigid flip tops and MDF. That's pretty mcuh it... Don't get no better than Cheap.. :D


John Thompson
09-10-2008, 6:07 PM
Thank you Glenn and Steve.. After 37 years of this.. I can't get too excited about something I have had five of over the years. But.. with this saw I will just say that I am very pleased with it's quality of build.. power and the ease I could make modifications for my own safety. :)

Again thank you very much for the kind words...


Jim Becker
09-10-2008, 8:10 PM
Nice little upgrade there, Sarge... LOL Congratulations!!!

John Thompson
09-10-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks Jim... my usual tinkering as I am El Cheapo... :D


Casey Gooding
09-10-2008, 10:31 PM
Congrats on the saw.
It's too bad someone vandalized it with that awful Dog picture.
People can be so cruel :)

John Thompson
09-11-2008, 12:06 AM
Alright Mr. FSU (Casey).... dem are fighting words even though my first wife was voted Best Legs on Campus at FSU in 1970. At this point that might relate to "Oldest Legs on Campus". :)

And in this neck of the woods... that is not spelled Dog. It is spelled DAWG as in "how bout dem DAWGS"... Furthermore the Georgia Water-girl (Coach Mark Richt's wife) is a HOT DAWG.

That is all from DAWG country.... :D

Sarge.. who is a "junk yard DAWG"...

Clisby Clark
09-11-2008, 12:25 AM
Hello, John. Great looking setup! I assume you got the saw at Redmond's in Newnan? I'm in Watkinsville and my shop will be ready in about two weeks. I was planning on checking out the SC ts and bs from Redmonds but I suppose I'm out of luck as far as getting any "show specials". I'm only going to move it once! Do you think the 3 horse SC will be sufficient for most 8/4 work? Good luck and GATA.

Chris McDowell
09-11-2008, 1:28 AM
Good looking saw there Sarge. I was wondering when you were gonna show it. Congrats

John Thompson
09-11-2008, 12:06 PM
3 HP is fine for most Clisby... I just sold a Uni-saw with 3 HP to get this 5 HP which I need on occassion as I rip and surface for hire for a little side action to supplement retirement. Some of that stuff is 3" coming in and the 5 HP will power through it easier. So...

I got my 18" Steel City BS and 8" jointer at Redmond, Clisby. But this TS was the demo model at the International WW Show at Georgia World Congress Center a couple of weeks ago. I helped SC assemble before the show and worked during the show demonstrating their machines. So... it went home on the back of my pick-up on Sat. evening when the show ended.

Again.. the 3 HP is plenty for the circumstances you mentioned and that is a fine saw you are looking at. If any further questions.. PM me and I'll give you my home phone #.

Good luck...


John Thompson
09-11-2008, 12:10 PM
Thanks Chris.... time to put it to work after the over-haul by order of the commander and chief. Just finished a 4 piece BR suit and we move to the family room. Well... they do as I have been placed in solitary confinement in the shop until all is done.. But that is OK with me as I fit right in... just throw me down a cup of coffee and a bone. :)


Ken Massingale
09-11-2008, 3:36 PM
Alright Mr. FSU (Casey).... dem are fighting words even though my first wife was voted Best Legs on Campus at FSU in 1970. At this point that might relate to "Oldest Legs on Campus". :)

And in this neck of the woods... that is not spelled Dog. It is spelled DAWG as in "how bout dem DAWGS"... Furthermore the Georgia Water-girl (Coach Mark Richt's wife) is a HOT DAWG.

That is all from DAWG country.... :D

Sarge.. who is a "junk yard DAWG"...
Real nice saw there, Sarge. You deserve it my friend.

Now, bout dem dawgs...... we'll see how loud they growl after the Gamecocks get thru flogging their behinds Saturday! ;-)

John Thompson
09-11-2008, 4:39 PM
Hey Ken... good to hear from you as we don't run into each other as often anymore so glad to see all is well up the road to the NE.

They may growl if they get flogged.. but in order to flog something you have to catch up with it. So.. as you say.... we'll see and we will see indeed. I expect a good ball-game from Columibia on Saturday night. The line was Georgia -7 so the bookies must be expecting a close game as the two schools play on Saturday night in Columbia also..

BTW... when I was a young dawg and got hoon-gree.... I used to chase a chicken down in the pen and wring.... oh well, we'll seeeeeeee..... :D

Regards from your neighbor down the road...


Nissim Avrahami
09-11-2008, 4:51 PM
Hi John

Somehow, your name did not "ring a bell" but, when I've seen the "Short fence", I said to myself..."just a minute, I know only one guy that is using short fence"....and after I've seen the so called "Feather board" there was no doubt anymore...I went back to the text and yes...Sarge...

A very big "Mazel Tov" from me and I wish you to enjoy this beautiful set-up for many years.

Best Regards

John Thompson
09-11-2008, 5:23 PM
Hey Niki.... very nice to hear from you. Yeah... a few like the Internal Revernue Service .. Federal Bureau of Investigation.. etc.. actually know me by John Thompson and not Sarge.... :D

Thanks for the kind words and hope to see you around. Funny.. when I first started posting here a year or two ago.. I didn't recognize Nissim Avarahami. But after seeing a full picture display with very detailed explanations after each picture... I suspected Niki from Poland. Sure enough... at the end it was signed Niki.... :)

So now we knoiw each others secret lives as John Thompson and Nissim Avarahami.. Better yet just... Niki and Sarge!

Regards from across the pond...

Sarge... jt

Walt Caza
09-12-2008, 10:12 AM
Congrats Sarge!!
Great looking saw set-up. You have earned it and then some...
It is great to see a woodworker with a plan.
You know what you want your saw to do, and just how to get it to do it!
With all the shop time you have put in...I consider this saw to be your gold watch!
Not that we are ready to put you out to pasture just yet.....

I hope your wife's recovery has gone well.
Thanks for sharing with us, we look forward to more of your great projects!
be well,

ps Any chance someone has pics of the IWF Creeker meet-and-greets ?
Would love to see some happy Creekers shaking hands at the show!

Mike Heidrick
09-12-2008, 1:48 PM
We were told no cameras unfortunately at IWF. I get there and people had cameras. I know for next time!!

Sarge, great saw!! You had a ton of hours on it before even bringing it home. It was marked in your sites the first time I saw it! Congrats on a great great saw. Again, like others have said, your especially deserve that particular saw!!

Tell your SC boys that out of the majority of the vendors of the IWF, I felt the most welcome at their booth!!! Really a great bunch of woodworkers selling equipment! Scott was just an awesome guy to meet!

Robert Payne
09-12-2008, 2:07 PM

I really enjoyed our conversation earlier today about the nice bells and whistles you added to this new "super ripper" you've gotten up and running. I really like that ripping fixture and dust hood you've added and I know I'll be adding a shutoff paddle like that nice ping-pong paddle you've added to your magnetic switch -- an easy add-on that all of us should do. I've gone back through your pictures again and really like that simple outfeed attachment with the pegs (I have a full outfeed table that comes in real close), but your method is really sharp for the Ridgid Portable Work Support units. Next job for me is to try to replicate your topside dust collection hood. Nice job!

John Thompson
09-12-2008, 5:49 PM
Thanks Walt... the wife is fine and back to executing commands.. I would love to be put out to pasture as it would be less work than "slaving" over a hot table-saw down in the shop 12 hours a day making fulfilling her request. :)

OK.. so I love it. This saw was a case of right place.. right time with a bit (a lot really) of work to get it. I am very impressed with the machining on the saw considering the retail price sticker. And at this point I have it just about where I want it.



John Thompson
09-12-2008, 5:59 PM
It was great meeting you at IWF, Mike. I was told no camera's also and you are correct about people having them. They were supposed to have a Press pass but I really don't think anyone enforced that issue. As you said, we'll know for next time.

I'm sure Scott Box would be pleased to hear your comment. Those guys are just tool guys and WW's trying to run a business. They all worked for other manufacturers for a very long time. Scott and his brother Jim's dad was a Delta rep retired and Scott was a rep for Powermatic for a very long time before he broke away to start Steel City.

I am glad my saw was not the one on the front corner. That is the one that everyone walked up to and slid the fence... then pressed down to lock it. I must have seen a 1000 peopld do that and about 950 of them shoved the lock lever down with a "death blow". I would walk up to them and say.. "let me show you something".. then lock the cam down with a slight push of my index finger. The comment would usually be... "that locks easy doesn't it". Yep.. it does. :D



John Thompson
09-12-2008, 6:18 PM
I also enjoyed talking to you on the phone this morning, Robert. If you did not understand any of it which I doubt.. just e-mail me again and I will call. But most of it is very simple really. Good luck with the shield. Just use a thin tip black magic marker to form your curves. I have a set of French curves I use to pattern off of.

Better to not take enough the first pass than too much. If you need more off you make a second pass as opposed to the fact you are stuck with the first. And when you cut the plastic shield.. there with be a fine shaving hang on the edge. Just take a commercial razor blade with a ribbed back and slice it off while holding it at a cant to the edge.

I love my home-made paddle. Nothing more than drilling 3 small pilot holes under the front rail and mounting a door hinge to them with sheet metal screws. I made the paddle with a piece of scrap basswood then shoot it with red spray paint from a can.

It is very easy to access. As a matter of fact I was cutting a sheet of ply down yesterday for a new SCMS dust box behind. I don't do ply often but I fear it more than any type solid stock as you have to keep it tight against the fence. When I finished a rip of about 36".. I won't let go of ply to hit the Kill button. I keep a firm hold on it as I have had 4 kickbacks over the years with ply.

I just kept it firmly against the fence.. balanced well and lifted my left leg to hit the Kill switch with my left foot. That way I didn't have to release the hold on the fence to turn it off and let the blade quit spinning before I do. Yep... I love that big Red Kill Switch. I saw one on a General several years ago that was large. I just made mine larger and left a spot to get to the start easily..

Regards and call if you need me or just bring your shield down to my shop and I'll cut it as I have down quite a few at others request.


Russell Tribby
09-13-2008, 1:32 AM
Looks great! The only problem I see is the big ugly dog on the front. You'd do well to add a nice orange "T" instead:D:D

John Thompson
09-13-2008, 11:46 AM
Looks great! The only problem I see is the big ugly dog on the front. You'd do well to add a nice orange "T" instead:D:D

Thanks Russell.. A Tennessee boy in Arizona.. imagine that? :) I like the Vols and pull for them as I do most SE schools unless... they are playing the Dawg's and then the love of SE schools goes out the window for about 3 hours. :D


Victor Stearns
09-14-2008, 10:45 AM
Very Nice write up, and congrats on the Saw. I think we all wish we could spend sometime in test-driving, oh I mean demo-ing, a saw before purchasing.
That leads to the question, "Did you consider any other saws prior to the purchase?"

I would like to upgrade to a cabinet saw in time.

John Thompson
09-14-2008, 12:44 PM
I am fortunate Victor... in the fact that I can look at about all saws as all, with the exception of Grizzly have distributors here in Atlanta. IWF affords me the opportunity to look at the Grizzly up close and under the hood. I had a 3 HP Un-saw which is a good saw. But.. I have had needs for more HP more than once in my applications.

I was originally going to purchase a Steel City 3 HP which is a fine saw... but the factory re-conditioned Uni-saw got stumbled over in a local deal where I helped at the Atlanta WW Show several years ago. I couldn't refuse the price it was offered to me. But... I still had my eyes out for a 5 HP used or scratch and dent Steel City or PM 66 (not the PM 2000).

They are hard to come by as mainly used by cainet shops in 5 HP and nobody wants to sell one as there is no reason to unless up-grading to a high $$ slider. I preferred the Steel City over the newer PM 66. Both are made over-seas but the SC 5 HP has even more massive trunnions than the 66. I also put the instruements to a neighbors 66 and one that Stone Mountain Power Tool has. The SC 5 HP has better tolerances than the PM also.

I am not willing to pay $3000 for the New Uni-saw or the new Sawstop without the hog dog thingy. I have looked at both and consider the SC a better machine (larger trunnion casting and spaced wider along with very tight tolerances on the SC) even though it does not have a riving knife. So.. why pay $1 K more to get a riving knife with 3 HP as the SC 5 HP retails for $1900. I had a riving knife and love them but I don't consider it a $1 K add on.

So... yes I considered others but this deal came along that allowed me to upgrade to 5 HP with no out-lay from my pocket and end up with not only more HP but a much tighter machine than I had. As I stated the Uni-saw is a very good TS.. but it isn't made as heavy as this one nor will it come close on tolerances.

If I had to dump put considerable more $$ to up-grade..... I simply wouldn't have as the Uni-saw again is fine. But... at basically even-Steven I could not pass on this machine.


Victor Stearns
09-14-2008, 1:35 PM
Thanks for the reply. You taken your time and researched the product. I think that while the 5-hp is great for you, I will be looking at the 3-hp version from SC.
Thanks Again,

John Thompson
09-14-2008, 6:39 PM
The 3 HP should be all you need, Victor.. Just make comparisons and the machines will tell you what is best for you...
