View Full Version : Photo critique

Jack Mincey
09-10-2008, 10:59 AM
I finally took the time to make a photo tent out of a box and bed sheet. Here are a few pic's. I think it is an improvement in my pic's, what does everyone think.

http://usera.ImageCave.com/flyrod444/Picture 027.jpg
http://usera.ImageCave.com/flyrod444/Picture 030.jpg
http://usera.ImageCave.com/flyrod444/Picture 033.jpg

Steve Schlumpf
09-10-2008, 11:04 AM
Jack - I would say that it was worth the effort! Very nice photos - crisp focus, good color and subtle shadows... overall, very nice effect!

jeremy levine
09-10-2008, 11:15 AM
It might be my computer but the background has a pink hue. Maybe it's my system, and maybe it's color from the form.

Greg Ketell
09-10-2008, 11:22 AM
Seems like is needs just a hair more light in front. The bottom-center-front seems darker than the rest of the form. But, as Jeremy said, it might just be the coloring of the form.

Phillip Bogle
09-10-2008, 11:43 AM
I have a color calibrated monitor (I have a photo studio) and it is a slight bit of red cast. I don't find it particularly annoying. In my opinion no one really knows for certain if the background is that slight red cast. If you adjust the red out you will get a change of color in the wood. While that wood color being spot on is a nice goal, the color on a computer doesn't always do justice to the finished piece. I like a bit more red boost to wood. It is a subjective opinion, but most folks like seeing warmer wood tones.

Just my two cents worth. I like the photos.

Scott Conners
09-10-2008, 11:44 AM
I prefer the first and third shot, the lighting is excellent, decent separation from the background, and the slightly wider crop lets the eye see the whole shape at once. Seeing the back edge of the rim keeps the object looking three dimensional, so it's something to watch for.
I also agree with Jeremy, on my calibrated editing monitor it seems the white balance is a bit off and the background has gone a bit pink. Personally I'd add a bit of sharpening and bring the white balance back to true white, and you have some great shots!

Mike Vickery
09-10-2008, 12:42 PM
All in all I think those are very nice pictures, better then I usually do. If I was going to be super picky I would say they look like you do not have quite enough light and I can see small hot spots from the two lights you are using.
Personally I would be happy with them.

Don Kondra
09-10-2008, 4:02 PM
Hi Jack,

Could you post a shot of your set up and what kind of lights are you using?

Cheers, Don

09-10-2008, 6:55 PM
What lighting did you use?

Don Kondra
09-10-2008, 7:02 PM
Is there an echo in here? :D

Bernie Weishapl
09-10-2008, 8:41 PM
Photo really look great. I think you did well.

Jack Mincey
09-11-2008, 8:00 AM
Here is a pic of my home made light tent. I do need better light. I plan on buying some daylight bulbs to use. I would say that the pink tint comes from the bulbs. As you can see I'm just using two shop lights I had already. I cut the top and two sides out of the box and taped a white sheet over this area. The back and bottom have a sheet of drawing paper placed on them. I hope to keep improving on my photo's. The burl to the left of the tent is my next project. It is cherry.


Steve Schlumpf
09-11-2008, 8:18 AM
Jack - that's a great example of what a person can do if they just take the time to think things out a little! Nice work! You will find that Daylight bulbs will make a world of difference when it comes to color! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of that Cherry burl!

Jim Becker
09-11-2008, 8:59 AM
Outside of the white balance, the shots are nice. You should be able to adjust the "color cast" in your photo software, especially since you have a white background. I do this in Photoshop Elements all the time...you just need to have a spot on the raw picture that is something white to key on.

Don Kondra
09-11-2008, 12:18 PM
Thanks Jack,

I think you will like the results you get from 5000k bulbs.

As far as the shine goes, it's partly a matter of personal preference. You need a little shine to accent the shape but too much obscures the wood grain.

If you haven't tried it yet, FastStone Image Viewer is a pretty good free image editing program. Very easy to use.

Looking forward to seeing a pic of the cherry burl :cool:

Cheers, Don