View Full Version : New Rockler in Pittsburgh

Charles McKinley
05-08-2004, 6:12 PM
Hi All,

Has anyone been to the new store at 7402 McKnightmare Road? :D I just got the flyer. So much for sales tax free mail order. :mad:

I guess the closing of WWwarehouse has opened up the market.

Contrary to the flyer there is nothing convenient about that road.

No Affiliation, just happy there is a new toy store even if it is an hour away.

Daniel Rabinovitz
05-09-2004, 2:06 PM
No! I hadn't heard about the new Rockler Store.
But then again - as we say in Pittsburgh - you can't get there from here.
Or how many hours do you have; to drive around and around?
I guess - I'll eventually get there - maybe.
Daniel :D

Charles McKinley
05-10-2004, 10:27 PM
Hi Daniel,

You know that you would have to go through a tunnel AND cross a bridge to get there. That just isn't going to happen ;) it is aginst the rules!

For the rest of the country people around Pittsburgh would rather travel out of state than travel to another part of d'burgh. That is why every thing is duplicate 4 times (north, west, east, and south and downtown is dead and over taxed.)