View Full Version : Shop update

Ned Bulken
09-07-2008, 9:53 AM
While no shop is ever 'done' I'm a lot further along with my shop, and today 'all' of my tools will be moved in. I still have wiring and siding yet to go ,but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

nedswoodshop.blogspot.com has all of the pics but here's a couple of teasers for you...



and yes all you spinny guys, the vortex has almost claimed another victim...
sheer willpower has kept it under the bench, that and a deadline of the middle of this month renewal on my storage unit that I want to avoid.

ciao folks, see you on the boards!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-07-2008, 10:36 AM
Just a little more work Ned and she'll be high and dry. Then you can take time to do electrical and finish the interior. I just finished painting trim in my shop last week. I've been turning again, however.

Jim Becker
09-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the update, Ned! It's been awhile and I was wondering what was going on with you. That looks like it will be a nice shop for you to work in going forward.

Ned Bulken
09-07-2008, 12:03 PM
Thanks guys,
it was a long cold winter, but summer has been busy. Almost 'done' and in fact I moved the last 4 tools in today, now i get to try and figure out where to put all this stuff!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-07-2008, 12:05 PM

You'll be building cabinets next. I just finished two hanging cabinets and it's amazing how much "stuff" you can get into a cabinet. It cleans the place up, it looks less cluttered and gives you more room....for more "stuff", of course!

Ned Bulken
09-07-2008, 12:11 PM
actually I'll just be building shelves first, I have that massive tape cabinet to fill up, it should take care of a LOT of the clutter.
I figure I've got 6 shelf supports, (One not pictured), I'll adjust those a bit, and then start building shelves to go on top of them.

Bruce Page
09-07-2008, 1:41 PM
Looking good Ned, you’re almost there! Are you going to seal & insulate the roof? It seems like blowing rain & snow could get up under the metal panels.

glenn bradley
09-07-2008, 2:05 PM
Wow Ned, the inside shots made it look big . . . then I got to the shot of you towing it behind your Jimmy :D:D:D. Looking great, almost there . . . well, are any of us all the way there with our shops? . . . Ever?

Von Bickley
09-07-2008, 2:06 PM

Congratulations on the shop. Everything is looking good. Keep the pictures coming.

Ned Bulken
09-07-2008, 2:14 PM
Looking good Ned, you’re almost there! Are you going to seal & insulate the roof? It seems like blowing rain & snow could get up under the metal panels.

Insulation will be happening throughout the interior, I'm putting the pink stuff in under the roof then reflectix, while I'm up there I'll 'good stuff' foam any gaps I find and nail in some blocking to keep the critters at bay. there isn't a huge gap up at the eaves to begin with though.

Wow Ned, the inside shots made it look big . . . then I got to the shot of you towing it behind your Jimmy :D:D:D. Looking great, almost there . . . well, are any of us all the way there with our shops? . . . Ever?


Congratulations on the shop. Everything is looking good. Keep the pictures coming.
Thanks Von, check in at my blog (my website listed under my profile) every now and then, been keeping busy with building, but I try and keep that updated fairly regularly.