View Full Version : Flying Objects

Hilel Salomon
09-06-2008, 1:38 PM
This morning I decided to finish an oak bowl that had developed a major crack. I learned two things in the process:
the crushed stones I had mixed w/epoxy not only filled the crack but they dull your gouges in a second;
In addition to the full shield (I use the trend) sometimes it might help to wear a catcher's chest protector.
Yup, it wasn't even very thin, but somehow it cracked and flew right into my chest.
Well, the learning curve just developed a chest ache!
Hope all of you are well and safe.

Greg Ketell
09-06-2008, 1:49 PM
Glad you are ok.

curtis rosche
09-06-2008, 1:49 PM
no spear wounds to make a good story?

Steve Schlumpf
09-06-2008, 1:58 PM
Hilel - glad you are OK! Flying whatzits can be exciting!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-06-2008, 2:10 PM

I've only had a couple come off the lathe....I've never had one sever at a crack. In either case, it is definitely an eye opening experience!

Glad you weren't more severely injured!

Bernie Weishapl
09-06-2008, 4:36 PM
Good reminder Hilel to wear face schields. I have had a couple that have flew off. One straight up and one in the stomach. Glad you are ok.

Nathan Hawkes
09-06-2008, 5:06 PM
Man, Hilel I'm sorry to hear about that. I was looking forward to seeing the inlay fill in the crack. Did I show you what was left of my black eye from the ash piece? Seems like thats going around. I hope your chest heals up. I know my eyebrow was sore for a couple weeks.

robert hainstock
09-06-2008, 6:10 PM
Aint that the most exciting happening? UGH! Glad your OK.:eek::eek::eek:

Dennis Peacock
09-06-2008, 7:45 PM
Glad you're ok. I've been hit in the faceshield a couple of times with flying "parts". I also learned to NOT hand my pinky over the toolrest.!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Don't ask.... :o :o

Robert F Walker III
09-07-2008, 10:36 AM
Whao Glad you are ok. I had a similar thing happen, its scary (still have the scar to remind me).