View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
05-07-2004, 8:50 AM
Good Friday Morning Everyone,

The sun is shining in Okieland! I'll spend tomorrow wrapping up a cabinet making class I have been teaching evenings this week. I always enjoy this class, but late nights and early mornings are hard on an old man.....................don't know what excuse I can use! Sunday will be a family day and a little recuperation.

What's happening in your world this weekend?

Have a great weekend,

Frank Pellow
05-07-2004, 9:29 AM
I want to finish getting the floor of my workshop completed. But, rain is predicted :( for both Saturday and Sunday and I can't instal insulation while it is raining. So, I might not achieve my objective.

Dan Bussiere
05-07-2004, 9:40 AM
The last two or three weekends I put in windows and vinyl siding on the house. So far this week I installed 160sq ft of laminate floor. I still have 460 sq ft to go. If my knees hold up!

Dan Mages
05-07-2004, 10:03 AM
I have a lot of work that needs to be done in my back yard, including some prep work for a large gardening shed. I'll probably spend most of it cleaning it up. I might also coat the garage floor with some Rustoleum garage coating.


Donnie Raines
05-07-2004, 10:15 AM
Selling my house..hopefully!

Donnie Raines

Jim Becker
05-07-2004, 11:05 AM
Well, I have to put a priority on fixing the leaking drain on our whirlpool tub (it's big, it's ugly {mauve...}, it's impossible to fill with hot water, etc) as Dr. SWMBO has pointed out that I conveniently "forgot" to deal with it for some time now. Having it unavailable makes watering and cleaning the house plants difficult...:rolleyes:

I also have some very minor adjustments to make to my MM16 and FS350 that I just haven't had time to deal with and have an "appointment" with Rob (the tech) to assist on the phone on Saturday. Additionally, I'll finish up the small bill organizer I started last weekend and do some other minor projects that need taken care of, both in the shop, in the house and on the grounds. If the weather cooperates and the ground dries a little, I'll try to get the grass cut, but after last night's torential rain and thunder storms, one area may remain a "swamp" for the next week. The folks who installed the new fence at the front of the property yesterday were sinking up to their ankles...and that was before last night's rain!:p

With any luck, the DVD of the week will be Master and Commander.

Chris Padilla
05-07-2004, 11:31 AM
I may have to work this weekend. :mad:

We have a supposedly hot project that is not doing well. Frankly, I'm not sure what working the weekend will accomplish except to make me a grumpy employee.

If I can escape work, the LOML and I plan to order a new garage door (new, insulated sectional...currently have ugly, one-piece, POS) and the Wayne-Dalton i-drive garage door opener.

I should be able to finish up the cooling system on the TV section of the entertainment center and I hope to GOD I can start on the the sister cabinet to the TV section. If I can get this carcass done, we can have the new carpet layed down.

Byron Trantham
05-07-2004, 12:12 PM
I have more yard work to do; plant three Rodies, weed-wack, mow and spray roundup.

I have to help my brother-in-law assemble kitchen cabinet carcasses.

I also hope to glued up the first of two six foot section of the wall hanging cabinets for SWMBO. After-all, it's Mother's Day! :D

Joseph Ezerskis
05-07-2004, 12:51 PM
More work! :mad: I'll be helping a friend finish digging a foundation for an extension to his "country estate" (read: fixer-upper) He says he wants to put in a "permanent wood foundation". Something he read in Fine Home Building. I call it heavy work. I found out I was a chigger-magnet. 15 bites on both arms. Six days later and I'm still scratching like crazy! Anyways, some one out by him is selling a Griz contractor saw, so I'll stop by Saturday night and check it out. This job will also help pay for a used Delta DP and big PC router.
Have fun! :o

Kurt Aebi
05-07-2004, 8:16 PM
My father-in law and myself plan om finishing a couple of wishing wells for our wives,

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2004, 8:25 PM
Hello there Mr. Lasley...!!!!!

The weather is getting rather warm here now and it's getting time to slow projects down in the shop until cooler weather settles in. I suspect I will be doing shop work this weekend on pens for the FPP as well as two pens I have been commissioned to make. It's getting time to really clean up the shop and I have GOT to get that done before it really decides to get HOT and HUMID here!!!!!....which ain't gonna be long now.!!!

have a great weekend..!!!

Tim Morton
05-07-2004, 9:33 PM
I have my M-i-L spending the wekend with us and I am building her and my wife each a garden arbor for Mothers Day.....you can't IMAGINE the brownie points I am getting from this from BOTH of them, and the best part is its not costing me a dime...wy wife bought the wood as a present from HER mother and I am building them as a present to my wife.Its great when things work out like this :cool:

Todd Burch
05-07-2004, 9:41 PM
Let me see.... Saturday AM is the monthly woodworker's club meeting in Houston. Sat. afternoon, I'll wrap the LAST TWO cabinet doors for the study project with curly maple (WOO-HOO!! I finished the ten 9-piece drawer fronts today. WOO-HOO!!)

I've a bookcase to make. I'm going to time myself - start to assembled (get it - not start to "finish"). I have to prime it, but no painting.

Probably more straightening up in the shop in preps for taking the lumber rack down and moving the J/P into position. But, alas, it's Mother's Day - so making a roadtrip to my Mom's place to do lunch is scheduled.

John Miliunas
05-07-2004, 10:02 PM
Yard work, mower maintenance, work on bathroom cabinets and, of course, there's Mother's Day activities. In the process, try to make a path back to the little lathe (again). I'm starting to think I need to ditch the 12x36 lathe and get one of those mini things that I can just slap up on a bench somewhere! Have a great weekend, all! :cool:

Steven Wilson
05-08-2004, 2:27 AM
Clean up cosmoline, wax the tables, and wire up the new combo machine. Also cut the lawn, lay down some patch master, pick up a new bed for my daughter, fill some small cracks in the sidewalk, and apply a bit of cold patch to the driveway. I can't wait for Monday so I can relax at work.

Mike Evertsen
05-08-2004, 8:58 AM
wanted to start on the addition to the shop but it looks like rain. So I'll cleanup the shop move the machines over to the side and paint ceilings and walls.

Robert Ducharme
05-08-2004, 11:36 PM
very interesting weekend so far:

Had a visit from a fellow creeker. He is hard to see but watches all. Gave me alot of advice (some of which I might even take :rolleyes: ).

Got my sliding table installed on the tablesaw - separate post planned later this week when I have time.

Finally -- had to beat the elk off my porch. The one shown in the picture knocked on the door - boy was my wife surprised when she answered it. :eek: By time I grabbed the camera, this guy decided he was going to try to sell siding at someone elses house.

Tyler Howell
05-09-2004, 7:39 AM
Just Putzin! Recovering from another official road trip. No pink slips this time either. A little Moms' day on Sunday afternoon. ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
05-09-2004, 8:24 AM
Saturday I went to some rental shops to see what I could rent to raise wallboard to finish interior of new shop being built. I also checked on cost of renting scaffolding to paint new shop when contractor is done building the finished extertior. At 2:30 pm I started removing a 36" door in my current storage shed and replacing it with a 48" outswing door. Had a chance to use my new Milwaukee sawsall. Quit at 9:00 as I thought the neighbors might want some peace and quiet. Just need to do some shimming, cut some trim and it completed. Mother's Day....take my wife out for breakfast....stop by BORG....get some shims for the 48" door ...some foam insulation for the foundation of the new shop.....electrical service components (weatherhead, meter box, etc.)so the contractor can install them as he roofs and installs new siding on the new shop.

Rob Littleton
05-09-2004, 1:41 PM
Im jealos of you guys that have a shop that needs cleaning.....I miss my shop so much.

Spent Saturday driving back from Arizona making sure we got back in time for Sunday for Mommas Day. We did. The kids loved it coz they thought we were coming back Monday. Great little faces this morning.

I had a look at the planned shop and all seems to be going in the right direction. The plans are in and permission granted. Cant wait for that. Gonna break ground next week on it. While I was out there, my Oneida arrived. (gloat). I unboxed it and checked for damage and it is SCHWEEEET. Cant wait to have that up and running.

Gonna run to Woodcraft to get some little goodies so I can start on the FPP in the garage that now looks like Iraq.........what a mess.........but it aint gonna be for long God willing.......

Ho hum.....he doesn't know it, but Im gonna try and stop by and see the I drive (you know who I mean)..........

other than that....living back at the in laws til my second interview date then off again to Arizona.....just me, my dog and my truck.....isnt there a country song there somewhere :-)

Stay safe

Jim Becker
05-09-2004, 2:45 PM
just me, my dog and my truck.....isnt there a country song there somewhere
Definitely not a British ditty, for sure! But you did forget the shotgun...:rolleyes:

John Miliunas
05-09-2004, 10:10 PM
.....just me, my dog and my truck.....isnt there a country song there somewhere :-)

Stay safe

Well, I'm a rock 'n roller fer live, ;) but I've heard that country stuff, which includes all that (and the shotgun), but in those, it's usually about the dog running away, the pickup being broke down, the woman running off with the sherrif and what have you. I hear if you play a country song backwards, you don't get some satanic message, but your dog comes back, the truck runs great, the ole' lady is preparing a 7-course dinner and so on.... :D :cool:

Jim Barrett
05-09-2004, 10:15 PM
I mounted my Oneida DC and came to a halt after I noticed some pretty bad flex in the bracket...see my post! Other than that just enjoying watching over the Puget Sound up here in the Great Northwest. In fact I just watched a submarine cruise by...see them every once in a while, their homeport is Bangor on the Hood Canal! Always an awsome sight to see!
