View Full Version : Help Designing Cabinet Pocket/Pivot Doors

Brian Smith3
09-02-2008, 4:32 PM
Hi I'm redesigning a part of my kitchen. The attached picture is of the end of the kitchen where there is a door to the outside and a pocket door (I didn't put that pocket door in the sketch) that encloses the area. It was originally a mud room, but we don't need mud rooms in Southern California, so go figure what they were thinking with that. Later the last owners took a part of that room for a bathtub in an adjacent bathroom, and left 12" in the kitchen for a type of pantry. The other side they turned into a laundry area that I want to clean up.

The laundry area has the bifold doors and as you can see when they are open it obstructs the door opening going outside. I'm trying to solve that problem while still enclosing the washer dryer. The washer dryer are 55" across, so I have almost 10" to find a hidden door solution and I'm probably going to need at least 28" doors.

My first thought is to build some pocket doors that when you opened them they would drop back into the cabinet, kind of like an entertainment system. The largest pocket door solution I can find is the KV 8092 which gives me a max door size of 26". Two inches short. Should I try it anyway, and leave 2" sticking out of the wall, in theory it would work, but I don't know that much about this kind of installation.