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Darren Vass
08-31-2008, 10:04 PM
I'm having carpeting installed on my concrete basement floor. I'm doing the trim myself. My question is, should I install the baseboard moulding first before the carpet is put down? If so, do I leave any space between the floor and the moulding and put the moulding directly onto the floor? would this be also true for the door trim-ie the gap versus no gap between the floor.



Jamie Buxton
08-31-2008, 10:08 PM
Around here, the baseboard goes in before the carpet. You space the baseboard up so that the edge of the carpet tucks under. You get to fill the nailholes in the baseboard and paint it without danger of messing up the carpet.

Jim O'Dell
08-31-2008, 10:12 PM
I think that a gap under the baseboard would be normal. The carpet layer tucks the edge of the carpet under it to help hold the carpet onto the tack strip. But I'm not sure how much gap. Maybe 1/4" to 3/8"?? I don't remember the door frames having a gap under them. I can't feel any at my computer room's door. :p I don't know that it would matter either way. If worse comes to worse, call the company laying your carpet and ask him what he prefers. Jim.

Joe Vincent
08-31-2008, 10:16 PM
I'd also recommend installing and painting the baseboard first. The carpet guys may mar or nick the baseboard in a few spots but that'll be easy to touch up. As for how high to elevate the baseboard off of the concrete, I'd check with the carpet folks to get their recommendation. I think about 3/4" is pretty common. But you may want to consider another distance depending on the thickness of the pad and type of carpet you're installing. For instance, berber would be lower than a high pile carpet.

David DeCristoforo
08-31-2008, 10:20 PM
All are correct who say install the baseboard first. The "typical" gap between the baseboard and the floor is 1/2" Also, while you can pre-finish or pre-paint the base, be prepared for some serious touch up because, if my experience is any indicator, the carpet layers will beat the crap out of it.

Rick Fisher
08-31-2008, 11:04 PM
Ditto on 1/2". Generally the thickness of the underpad is the gap left.

Ditto on the touch ups too. :)

Just get a bunch of 1/2" spacers. Lay them around the room, against the wall. Set the baseboard on it and nail away.

Peter Quinn
09-01-2008, 10:19 AM
I'm going to swim upstream here and say I prefer to have the carpet monkeys (uh installers) lay their material first when possible and install the base trim last. I prefinish the base trim and touch up for nail holes etc., I do not paint or finish along the floor with new carpet under it. Have you seen what these guys do to trim with their tack strips, hammers and stretchers?

Roger Everett
09-01-2008, 10:44 AM
Install the base first at 3/8' - 1/2' above floor. As said paint then a little touch up after rug installers done. I use 3/8 spacers myself. The tack strip generaly goes down about 1/2" or so in front of base and pad ends in front of strip, carpet stretched and cutter, cuts carpet long enough to tuck under base.

Matt Ocel
09-01-2008, 10:53 AM
Base is to be installed first, leaving a gap (typically use a piece of base as your spacing - 1/2") that way the rug installers can stretch the carpet into the gap, getting a better grip onto the tack strip.

David DeCristoforo
09-01-2008, 10:59 AM
"...I prefer to have the carpet monkeys (uh installers) lay their material first...install the base trim last. ...Have you seen what these guys do to trim with their tack strips, hammers and stretchers?"

And it's not just the base. The underside if most carpet is very rough and abrasive and if the "monkeys" are not careful, you can end up having to repaint the walls as well as the base.

Jason Roehl
09-01-2008, 12:55 PM
It's simple. Tell the carpet-layers that you will back-charge them if they damage the baseboard--that will get their attention. As a painter, I have seen both extremes.