View Full Version : bird houses

Mike Stanton
05-06-2004, 12:45 AM
I got a job today to make 800 bird houses for a kids clinic today. All I have to do is go get the wood 6 trailer loads then cut and drill them and return them.

Ned Bulken
05-06-2004, 1:25 AM
wow that's a lotta bird houses, hope you get some good jigs set up for the cuts, and figure out the ideal way to lay it out etc...

800?? wow.

Kelly C. Hanna
05-06-2004, 1:33 AM
Congrats! Be sure to click a few pics!

Lars Thomas
05-06-2004, 2:00 AM
You are going to make a lot of kids make a lot of birds happy. Enjoy. Lars

Stefan Antwarg
05-06-2004, 6:30 AM
Wow. That's a lot of bird houses. Or, if it works out like the bird house I built, a lot of bee houses. My bird house now hangs in the woods next to my house. The bees can have at it.

Good luck!


Byron Trantham
05-06-2004, 11:09 AM
Mike, do you have to finish them in way? I don't know about birds, but I'll bet you will be bats by the time you finish this job! :D

Jim Becker
05-06-2004, 11:13 AM
How tweet it is! :D Nice commission, Mike. Pictures will be appreciated, as always.

Mike Stanton
05-06-2004, 12:15 PM
I went over to get wood yesterday and there was 6 units of fir rought. They where loading them and tried to put 2 units on my trailer and it was too heavy it started to pick up the back of the truck so down to one. I am going to plane one side of them. The manger told me that I didn't knot need to but the wood looks bad so I am going to plane one side . Mike