View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"-Labor Day Edition

Karl Laustrup
08-29-2008, 5:54 AM
Friday August 29th, 2008


Well, it's that time again. School is starting, or in some cases has already started and this is the last hurrah of summer. A long weekend to enjoy family and friends and for some of us, some time in the shop.

It's been a hectic week with various things other than WW'ing. School starts Tuesday, so maybe things will settle down a bit and I can get some things done.

Weather here is supposed to be Chamber of Commerce good for the next to last big weekend in the "Dells" for the season. We still have a couple of more weekends before we get back to normal life.

I'm hoping to get a little shop time. I'm also hoping to get in a round of golf, or two, and probably grill some steaks or brats or something. I think LOML and my mom are going to a Pow-Wow one of the days, but I'm not sure which.

What's up in your neck of the woods? Some family time? Some fun, work or?????

Whatever it might be, I hope you have a great weekend and above all



alex grams
08-29-2008, 6:38 AM
Tonight: Go get sheetrock for adding a closet. We have about a 3'x3' dead space in the hallway wall right next to the entrance from the garage that would be a PERFECT spot for a coat closet and such, but its just a big void, so going to make a closet!

Saturday we are going to go watch my lama mater (Texas A&M) play their season opener.

Sunday is BEER AND BBQ. Getting up early around 6am to start the fire and throw the brisket on!

I have approval from the wife to buy a sawstop, so am going to do that in a few weeks before the price hike, but just trying to be a little patient before I do order it.

Just going to finish up small stuff around the house/garage that have been bugging me, and the wife wants to go furniture shopping, EEK!

Geoff Potter
08-29-2008, 6:42 AM
I have the same things going on that I have had for a few weeks. Need to make more time for the shop!! Going to finish my drill press table. Cut tenons on pieces for garden bench. Assemble bookshelf for my SIL. Assemble a small fence for LOML's garden. That's enough!:cool:

Rich Engelhardt
08-29-2008, 6:51 AM
Been on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!
Wed, Thurs,Fri - off Sat & Sun & Holiday Mon.
Wed - my wife and I hit Cedar Point amusement park.
(Rain late in the day shut down the coasters)
Thurs - I hit the slot machines in West Virgina -rather they hit me!:D
There went my Wixey digital setup gauge.:rolleyes: :D

Today & tomorrow are shop days.
Sunday and Monday morning also.

The weather after today is supposed to be perfect according to the reports.
That means a freak blizzard is due to hit:rolleyes:
IIRC, it was ~ 125 years ago a freak blizzard actually did hit NE Ohio on the 4th of July.

Mike Heidrick
08-29-2008, 6:55 AM
New tools on the horizon so I need to start cleaning up for those.

May mow if the rain dries up.

Saturday I am throwing a 100+ person party at our corporate park - celebrating the last days of the pool being open and my wifes 30th birthday is Sept 1st - everybody is making food and some people have been recruited to help make 30 different flavors of cake.

If some stars align I may make a JLT clamp system run (thats partially why the need to clean up) Sunday. That idea may need a bit more planning.

Probably exhaustive sleep on Monday. Love the long weekends!

Matt Meiser
08-29-2008, 7:25 AM
No. 1 priority is installing engineered hardwood flooring in our master bedroom. As soon as I get off work tonight I'm starting on ripping out the carpet. Saturday, since I know we will be home all day I'm smoking a couple beef briskets. And I'll probably spend a few minutes here and there working on my sander--I've been working on stripping and derusting the base by electrolysis for the last couple days and have it about 2/3 done.

Al Willits
08-29-2008, 7:27 AM
Honey do's here, well for some of the weekend, pulling the living room rug and will finally drag the TV stand I made in from the shop, and hook the TV cable up.

Bit of BBQ'ing with some slow cooked ribs prob Sat and will start getting ready for the fishing trip to Winnibigosh the 11th of Sept, bought some rod holders and need to install them and maybe relocate my trolling motor.

I got the plywood and lumber for the kitchen cabinets so may start to lay that out if I have time.

Be safe and well and have a great weekend.


Don Bullock
08-29-2008, 8:35 AM
Since I've retired my list of things "to do" has grown tremendously. While my wife teaches her last year I'm working on packing one house and getting it ready to rent or sell (depending on the market next summer) and preparing the new house 140 miles away for us to move into. On top of that we have one of our basset hounds that is pregnant and due early next week. I'm staying home this week to keep an eye on her. I've had the mortiser set up to cut mortises in some table legs for at least two weeks. I'm hoping that I can find some time to do that this weekend.

Greg Cole
08-29-2008, 8:42 AM
The weekend will consist of NOT working on the deck! LOML n I are having a little get together to celebrate the completion of the pool deck.
Some relaxation, sunning, watching the kids in the pool.... BBQ n beer here too. Tequila-cilantro ribs & burnt ends on the smoker tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be bang on perfect here.;)
I'll have to chase the walk behind for a few hours mowing at home and a couple of paying lawns too....
Might wander down to the shop, might not... we'll see.

Cheers & be well.


George Sanders
08-29-2008, 8:45 AM
Finally got my 4 wheel drive running. Have to get the radiator rebuilt. Going to junk my other truck today, then transfer the plates and insurance. That old truck has been a good one. I paid $200 for it six years ago and put an engine in it. I made several trips to Florida in it but now it is rusting out in the floorboard. With this "new" 4WD I can go out in the snow to cut wood. The farmer I work for let's me cut osage orange for free. That's what I heat the garage with. More firewood = more woodworking!:D

Eric Larsen
08-29-2008, 8:46 AM
By weekend's end I will finish the kitchen island (and post pix), and do at least the top two stair rails.

I would like to FINISH the stair rails this weekend, but I'm not going to hinge my sanity on their completion.


Bobby McCarley
08-29-2008, 9:20 AM
Probably won't be any shop time this weekend. Will be buttioning up the house and yard getting ready for Gustav. And Saturday, if the LSU game is still on, will be going to the game. Hope all this prep is for nothing though.


Greg Cole
08-29-2008, 9:27 AM
the wife wants to go furniture shopping, EEK!
Dunno how I missed this earlier.... but is that her way of hinting she wants to spend some time in the shop with ya? :D


Bruce Page
08-29-2008, 11:09 AM
We’re going to take a drive through the Jemez Mountains then visit some friends in Los Alamos.

I drove this home yesterday. Granted it’s not a lumber hauler, but I still have my Dodge Ram. ;)

John Peterson
08-29-2008, 1:23 PM
Well I just got my Clearvue Mini Cyclone yesterday, all I have to do is finish the base. Now that my torsion/assmebly table is finished, Im go to start on the Ultimate Router table that was in ShopNotes last month.

Jerry Bruette
08-29-2008, 2:18 PM
Up to Escanaba tomorrow for the steam engine show, then out to eat somewhere to celebrate 28 years of wedded bliss:D. Maybe some shop time Sunday morning then off to a birthday party in the afternoon, gotta work Monday but they'll be paying me what I'm worth on the holiday:rolleyes:.

Everybody have fun and stay safe


Glenn Clabo
08-29-2008, 2:23 PM
That's one sweet set of wheels Bruce!

Perry Lee
08-29-2008, 2:34 PM
Helping my 10 year old daughter paint her room. See the attachments for the wall and ceiling design she came up with, which is why its going to take (at least) 3 days.

Bruce Page
08-29-2008, 2:35 PM
Thanks Glenn. My last set of new wheels was in '95. I was due! :D

Steve Clardy
08-29-2008, 4:14 PM
Work in the shop some.

Probably gotta haul hay again as the hay man is supposed to cut and bale our hay ground.

Spend some time with momma, take her out to supper for our 35th anniversary. ;)

Karl Laustrup
08-29-2008, 4:29 PM
Probably won't be any shop time this weekend. Will be buttioning up the house and yard getting ready for Gustav. And Saturday, if the LSU game is still on, will be going to the game. Hope all this prep is for nothing though.


Hey, Bobby. Stay safe and I hope your preperation is for nothing too.

We’re going to take a drive through the Jemez Mountains then visit some friends in Los Alamos.

I drove this home yesterday. Granted it’s not a lumber hauler, but I still have my Dodge Ram. ;)

Nice wheels Bruce. Gonna take it to Alaska next time you go up? ;):D

Up to Escanaba tomorrow for the steam engine show, then out to eat somewhere to celebrate 28 years of wedded bliss:D. Maybe some shop time Sunday morning then off to a birthday party in the afternoon, gotta work Monday but they'll be paying me what I'm worth on the holiday:rolleyes:.

Everybody have fun and stay safe


Hey Jerry, did you know Dale Thompson aka "PESH" who lived in Peshtigo?

Work in the shop some.

Spend some time with momma, take her out to supper for our 35th anniversary. ;)

You better treat her to the best dinner ever Clardy, if she's put up with you for that many years. ;):D:D

Congrats and many more.


Bruce Page
08-29-2008, 4:38 PM
Nice wheels Bruce. Gonna take it to Alaska next time you go up? ;):D
It is AWD, but I think I'll stick with the goverment issued Jeep. :rolleyes:

Tyler Howell
08-29-2008, 6:07 PM
Drove this home last week. but I'm keeping the truck

I don't get holidays and vacations now that I'm retired!:(:rolleyes::D

A little Creeker gathering to start off the weekend.
Rick Schubert and I slipped across the boarder into Canada for some six quarter black ashe. Nice stuff. No Pix yet so I'll save the gloat.

Sail Sat, & Sun and BBQ for friends on Mon.

Have a safe weekend.

Jim O'Dell
08-29-2008, 6:38 PM
I have to work Sat 8 - 12, then see if I can get to the dog show in time to watch our girl show. We are entered in 2 of the 3 shows this weekend. I'll probably skip the second specialty show in the afternoon (we're not entered in that one). Then we have the Sunday morning show. I'll try to spend some time in the shop cleaning up Sunday afternoon, and maybe some more on Monday. LOML goes to Oklahoma Monday to deliver one of the rescues and then go see her sister in Pauls Valley. I'll miss that trip ;) and stay home with the rest of the dogs. :D
Everyone have a safe holiday weekend!!! Jim.

mark page
08-29-2008, 6:50 PM
Have to do a partial day on the day job tomorrow. Then I found they made a mistake on the mass emailings of the 30 yr HS reunion and it's this weekend. So will do the 3 hr round trip and make that tomorrow night. Still prepping for the two week business trip to CO as I fly out next weekend. No woodworking this weekend or as it looks, the next month. Maybe a little cleaning in the shop, but doubt if I will even have time for that. LOML works Sundays-Thursdays, so even time with her this weekend will be cut short. I think I may be smelling a batch of ribs, brisket, or loins smoking on Sunday or Monday. The "lake traffic" will be bad this weekend as it always is, all the "loonies" will be out in full force. So far no casualties at the lake that I know of this year, and hopefully, the same for this weekend. You all have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Eric Larsen
08-29-2008, 7:47 PM
The kitchen island is done.

When we bought the house, the drywall was up. That's it. Anything you see above and beyond drywall was LOML and my doing. (She's quite good at tiling, as long as I run the saw.)



Tommy Emmons
08-29-2008, 7:59 PM
My wife and I are meeting our son who lives in Houston for the University of Texas game Saturday in Austin. Got to take every opportunity to see the kids.

Saturday morning will be shop time to finish two nightstands for my sister-in-law. Sunday will be starting a bed for my son for his new house. Not much really going on in our household.

Louis Rucci
08-29-2008, 8:48 PM
ME, I have 3 whole days to get my OSB wall up in my shop. IF SWAMBO doesn't get on my case to fix the swollen wood on the screen door or the security light that isn't working over the garage door, that is.

Honestly, that was planned for Friday, but I ended up mowing the yards, because the mower pull mechinism decide to break Thursday, no mowing that day. So I managed to get the parts on the way to work, fixed this morning and mowed.

I shall overcome :D.

Louis Rucci
08-29-2008, 9:58 PM
ME, I have 3 whole days to get my OSB wall up. IF SWAMBO doesn't get on my case to fix the swollen wood on the screen door or the security light that isn't working over the garage door, that is.

Honestly, that was planned for Friday, but I ended up mowing the yards, because the mower pull mechinism decide to break Thursday, no mowing that day. So I managed to get the parts on the way to work, fixed this morning and mowed.

I shall overcome

Ken Fitzgerald
08-29-2008, 10:19 PM
A little yardwork tomorrow...then finish some FPP pens. Sunday, I plan on taking the LOML for a little drive up the Clearwater and Lochsa rives to a little out of the way restaurant for lunch.

Turn some more on Sunday and maybe finish adapting my t/s for dust collection.

James Manning
08-29-2008, 10:58 PM
Cut the grass tomorrow on my new zero-turn kabota, man this thing makes cutting the yard a whole lot easier...:D Then I will spend some time finishing up this piece for a customer, it is an old door that I have turned into a small girl's dressing table based on the customer's input. I did not pick the color's :eek:, we ended up adding a base molding and painted all the trim white, my wife will be putting a stained glass effect where the upper glass section is and that should wrap it up. I post a final when it is done.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Jim Becker
08-30-2008, 9:25 PM
I will be recovering from two weeks vacation and puttering around....