View Full Version : Gary Blum at IWF Pic

Johnny Kleso
08-26-2008, 2:57 PM
Here is a pic of Gary Blum, Myself and Jim Sagat



Pic of Gary's Unique plane


You can see the unique frog behind the plane that takes a very small insert type blade


Gary also designed and sells these work benches he calles Bench Horses

Peter Quadarella
08-26-2008, 4:52 PM
His new bench is pretty awesome actually. I also liked the new frog to turn the plane into a scraper plane. Did you get a chance to try out the carbide blade in his new block plane? The steel one was in there when I was there.

I currently have several of Gary's products and they've all been top notch.

Johnny Kleso
08-26-2008, 4:57 PM
I did get to try a few new planes..

I tried the New Block Plane with the Carbide and Tool Steel blade and most of the others and wached Gary demo the scraper plane..

Douglas Brummett
08-27-2008, 12:19 AM
Those planes are great. I like the new approach to the blade setting. His prices are also very reasonable. I also thought it cool that they could convert to scraper easily.