View Full Version : First completed bowl Hackberry I think

John Nowack
08-25-2008, 10:10 PM
A guy at the club gave me some logs he was throwing away-They think it is hackberry---it turned a pretty gray color when finished--7 inches by 3 inches--actually finished it in one day since the log was so old

used sanding sealer with spray on poly--it ran it spots but I am scared to put on another coat because it gumed up realy bad when I did that on some ornaments last year

Can I buff this still? do you just use white diamond or do you always put a coat of wax on top

any comments or coaching is appreciated---thought I would post a pic finally since that is what we all like ot look at

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2008, 10:34 PM
Hi John
I think you did a very good job, especially for a first bowl, don't let this one get away, it is good for years later to look and compare with your later work, BTDT
Yes you can sand it, but first let it get hard, then with very fine steel-wool and oil you can smoothen the finish, and then you can buff it to whatever shine you like.
Wax it or not, you decide, there's no have to, make it so it pleases YOU

John Nowack
08-25-2008, 10:53 PM
thanks for you coments---what kind of oil do you use with the steel wool?---then do you add another layer of poly or just buff it after you lighly sand it with the oil----your knowledge is appreciated--( I know you have alot of it on tis subject just by reading a few of your posts)

sory one more--I sorgot to sign it--is it to late now?

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2008, 11:07 PM
John I would make sure there's a good coat of finish on there first, you could use mineral oil with the steel-wool, putting more layers on after you have used oil can lead to adhesion problems, of course you could use soapy water and waterproof paper, that way you could apply more layers, there are many choices and finishes, I use Pure tung or Polymerized Tung oil almost exclusively, but that's a personal choice.

Bernie Weishapl
08-25-2008, 11:45 PM
Great looking first bowl. Save it for comparison a few years down the road. You will be amazed. If the poly is hardened I have sanded with 320 dry and followed up with a light coat of poly. Then let is cure for a couple of weeks and buff. I use almost exclusively Minwax Antique Oil or Danish Oil.

Steve Schlumpf
08-25-2008, 11:58 PM
Nice looking first bowl John! Good form and the finish looks just fine. I use a lot of Minwax Gloss Wipe-On Poly - just run 320 grit over it very lightly to knock off the nubs and apply your next 'lite' coat. I usually apply 5 to 7 coats, depending on amount of gloss desired.

curtis rosche
08-26-2008, 4:51 PM
looks like maple to me, but i have only seen spaulted hackberry. great first bowl, better than most.