View Full Version : Thuya Burl

Mark Hix
08-25-2008, 8:57 PM
I made a couple of these for someone else and liked it so much I made one for myself. Thuya Burl Sedona. The finish is CA/BLO micromeshed to 12000. I love the way it smells when you turn it. The photos are not the greatest, I never can seem to capture the shine.

Don Carter
08-25-2008, 9:05 PM
I have just made a few pens with this wood for the first time and I love to turn it. It reminded me of standing at a pencil sharpener back in grade school and smelling the shavings as I sharpened.
Great looking pen.:) All the best.

Dick Strauss
08-27-2008, 1:33 PM
Is that the would that smells like Pine Sol when you turn it? I think I turned a few pens from it once upon a time...

Bernie Weishapl
08-27-2008, 4:23 PM
Great looking pen Mark. That wood smells good when turned and is a sweet turning wood.

Mark Hix
08-27-2008, 5:50 PM
Thanks for looking and the comments. The smell reminds me eucalyptus.

Jim Kountz
08-27-2008, 9:03 PM
Is this different from the "Thuja" Green Giant? I just planted some of those along my property line this summer.

Mark Hix
08-28-2008, 7:26 PM
I don't believe it is the same wood. Thuya is primarily from Morocco. I did a quick search and did not find any available commercially to plant. Not that I was thorough, just a quick look.

Jim Kountz
08-28-2008, 8:11 PM
I don't believe it is the same wood. Thuya is primarily from Morocco. I did a quick search and did not find any available commercially to plant. Not that I was thorough, just a quick look.

Yep you're right. The ones I planted are the super fast growing arborvitae hybrids. Supposed to grow really fast. We will see........