View Full Version : Pride and Joy!

Wayne Bitting
08-25-2008, 2:21 PM
This bowl is my new pride and joy. I started it about 6 weeks ago, but it didn’t take me 6 weeks to do it, just 6 weeks to get around to finishing it! It measures about 13”x3”, made from box elder, oil sanded and my first attempt at lacquer. The pericing was done with my Dremel, carving knife, small files, sandpaper and lots of patience! A thinner rim would have helped the pericing, but I was getting too much chatter so I stopped. This was also my first attempt at better picture taking, thanks to the various threads on this topic.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2008, 2:36 PM
Beautiful job Wayne, love the wood, love the piercing, well done :D

robert hainstock
08-25-2008, 2:52 PM
That is a great way to display that wood. :D:D:D:D:D

David Walser
08-25-2008, 3:03 PM

I like the rim and the shape of the bowl. The piercing just enhances everything. Of course, the wood is fantastic. Great job!

Steve Schlumpf
08-25-2008, 3:07 PM
Wayne - you should be proud of this bowl!! Beautiful wood, great form and finish and some really nice piercing work! Hope you have this set out some where on display! Exceptionally nice bowl! Keep up the good work!

steven carter
08-25-2008, 3:18 PM
WOW Wayne, that is really nice. The piercing is very well done, it must be hard to make them all alike. How many hours do you figure you had making it?

curtis rosche
08-25-2008, 4:26 PM
amazing peice, worth the work

Wayne Bitting
08-25-2008, 4:26 PM
Thanks for the praises, guys – this one really took how I view my work from just stuff to stick on the shelf to “art”. As of now, its sitting on the floor waiting for a place to go. My makeshift display shelf is out of room, so a dark corner it’ll sit for a while (at least since its dark, the UV won’t age the red as quickly).

Steve C. - If I had to guess it took me probably 40 hours from mounting on the lathe to photos (I’m not that good on the lathe for speed, 8 hours was just shaping it). I tried to work in 45min sets on the carving, any more then that and my hand would hurt for days (I work under a microscope with tweezers for a living, can’t afford stiff/sore hands). Getting them to look alike isn’t as hard as it seems. On the lathe I drew three circles, to give me my min, max and center lines. With the indexing wheel I drew all of the lines I could to break the rim into a grid pattern. After I had the grid pattern I sketched a bunch of shapes until the size fit into the grid. I cut out a negative of the shape and traced it on the rim using the grid lines. In the end it isn’t that hard, and with the right carving tools (the Dremel is too heavy I think) it’s a nice embellishment to add to your skill set.

Jerry Gerard
08-25-2008, 4:33 PM
This bowl is my new pride and joy. I started it about 6 weeks ago, but it didn’t take me 6 weeks to do it, just 6 weeks to get around to finishing it! It measures about 13”x3”, made from box elder, oil sanded and my first attempt at lacquer. The pericing was done with my Dremel, carving knife, small files, sandpaper and lots of patience! A thinner rim would have helped the pericing, but I was getting too much chatter so I stopped. This was also my first attempt at better picture taking, thanks to the various threads on this topic.

I can see why its your new pride & joy , as it should be . I think you did an outstanding job on it . The piercing design you picked really sets off the bowl nicely . Nice job on the photography too . I sure do love the look of box elder. How is it to turn ?

Wayne Bitting
08-25-2008, 4:38 PM
Jerry - its one of my favorites to turn. There is a lot of risk of tear out because the red is a different density. A little CA helps a lot, but watch out the CA doesn't like it too much and it'll smoke and burn your nose hairs if your too close (something I still forget). It can smell anywhere from nothing to a wet dog who rolls around in the mud.

Brian Effinger
08-25-2008, 5:18 PM
Very cool bowl. I think it deserves a place of honor quickly (the floor doesn't do it justice).

Bernie Weishapl
08-25-2008, 6:00 PM
Wayne some beautiful wood and the bowl is a beauty. Well done.

Nathan Hawkes
08-25-2008, 6:20 PM
Wow. I feel fortunate to have even seen it! I'm very impressed with the level of fine detail in the piercings. What sort of carving tools did you use? Are these dremel bits for carving, or carving chisels?? Wow. Double wow. Thank you for sharing!

Maylon Harvey
08-25-2008, 8:24 PM
That is one awesome piece of wood, and you did it justice

Richard Madison
08-25-2008, 8:38 PM
Your pride is justified. A very nice piece!

Matt Hutchinson
08-25-2008, 9:57 PM
That is one awesome piece of wood! You did a great job of displaying its beauty. Great piece, and wonderful quality. No wonder you are proud! Can't wait to see what comes next!!! :D


Ron Drew
08-26-2008, 7:39 AM
Wow, what gorgeous wood! I like the bowl form, and the piercing embellishment really makes it special. Very nice job Wayne.

Bob Hallowell
08-26-2008, 9:52 AM
Wayne like everone else says you have a right to be proud of that peice, it is an outstanding work of art.


Wayne Bitting
08-26-2008, 2:27 PM
I wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their comments - you "guys" gave me an extra warm and fuzzy feeling inside.


Jim Kountz
08-27-2008, 6:00 PM
Wow that is awesome! I love the color and the form too, great job ol boy!!