View Full Version : new work

Art kraft
08-22-2008, 2:17 PM
Just got my computer back. Have been working my butt off. Got new web site up. Check it out let me know what you think. www.artkraftwoodproducts.com.
Made about 10 new pieces last week here is a sample.

Daniel Heine
08-22-2008, 3:01 PM
I like your web site. A few changes I woulod suggest:

1. Add a link for a short biography about yourself. LIke the 'about me' pages you see on many sites. Customers want to know who they are buying from.

2. RE-shoot your product pictures with a lighter background. The dark wood with a dark background does not put your product at center stage. If customers are not drawn in by your product, they will not look for additional information or make a purchase. Maybe a white or light tan backgound, and the turning will jump right out at them.

3. A more detailed description. One turning I looked at was obviously segmented, but the description was only 'Black Walnut'. Let the customer know that it is a bowl/vase/hollow form, and waht woods are used in the creation.

Good Luck,

Harvey M. Taylor
08-22-2008, 6:18 PM
Hi Art, beautiful work. Ditto on the photography.nothing wrong with the images, but definitely needs lighter bground on dark pieces, but you know that now.Keep up the good w`ork, Max

Jim Kountz
08-22-2008, 7:03 PM
Nice work, Im doing the segmented thing myself and enjoyed yours alot. What method are you using for cutting the segments?

Art kraft
08-23-2008, 7:43 AM
I am currently using a custom made upcut miter saw. 1 1/2 hp 7/8" arbor direct drive, 14'' 100 tooth ATB blade that has been reground to a very steep angle. I rarely sand any segments. I also have digital readout for the length of cut.
I have been contemplating making a jig for a standard miter saw that I could market.

Steve Schlumpf
08-23-2008, 11:00 AM
Very nice work Art! Great forms! Checked out your website and you sure have some impressive pieces! Have to agree with the suggestion of lighter backgrounds with your products.

Art kraft
08-24-2008, 9:59 AM
I hear you about the background. I have tried a lot of different things. They are so glossy that the reflection becomes a major problem. I have resorted to shooting only at night in a giant black box. But I will try something else. Thinking maybe a lighter colored fleece material.

Phillip Bogle
08-24-2008, 10:28 AM
I am a retired pro photographer and graphic designer. I love the work you do and since I just started in turning I doubt I will achieve your level of the craft.

On the background, you might try a neutral gray. May sound off but it works nicely. You can buy rolls of photo background paper in a smaller size. If you like I can PM you some links to suppliers that sell it at lowest cost. I used muslins and paper, either will work. There is another pro background that is made from the blanket material called "Vellux." It is synthetic velvet and it comes in a wide variety of colors. You might want to try a fabric shop. The nice part about the gray is, you can meter your exposure from the background and come out spot on regardless of the piece you are shooting. I like the gray since there is little color cast to the shot to correct in Photoshop, and you get better control of your lighting.

Hope that helps.

Art kraft
08-25-2008, 9:41 PM
Thanks, I picked up some black poster board to set along the side as I am getting reflection from the white wall 8ft away. I will try the gray for background.