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View Full Version : Maria Alvarado have a look, hollow form wood

Leo Van Der Loo
08-22-2008, 3:44 AM
Maria I was looking again at your old and the new pictures you put up of the unknown wood, Well I turned recently a small hollow form from a invasive species that got introduced into N.A., called, "Common Buckthorn" and it does have a similar color to the wood as yours, just have a look :).
Any/all comments appreciated, :D

Oh yes the burl was Buckthorn also, I forgot, here it is :eek:

Maria Alvarado
08-22-2008, 5:25 AM
Leo that is stunning! Elegant form and the wood is nice too. I like the bowl as well. I'll have to see if buckthorn grows around here as well. Thanks for sharing.

Hilel Salomon
08-22-2008, 7:06 AM

Simply beautiful!!!!

Regards, Hilel

Steve Schlumpf
08-22-2008, 9:12 AM
Leo - that's some really pretty wood but the form on the vase is outstanding! I have a folder that I store copies of all the wood that I find inspirational - the vase just got included! Super job!

Bernie Weishapl
08-22-2008, 10:47 AM
The peices are beauties Leo out of some great looking wood.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-23-2008, 2:18 AM
Steve I do that to, but the file gets pretty big :rolleyes: :D
Thanks for your kind words :)

Leo Van Der Loo
08-23-2008, 2:20 AM
Thank you Bernie, I try :D

Leo Van Der Loo
08-23-2008, 2:21 AM
You are quite welcome Maria, Love your work also :cool: :D

Leo Van Der Loo
08-23-2008, 2:24 AM
Thank you for looking Hilel, and your reply, appreciated :) :D

Alan Huey
08-23-2008, 11:46 PM
Great form and beautiful wood.

curtis rosche
08-24-2008, 1:53 PM
nice work, that last one seams kinda thick, almost doesnt look like something you did, compared to your other work

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2008, 12:35 AM
Thank you Alan for looking and taking the time to reply :D

Leo Van Der Loo
08-25-2008, 12:47 AM
Hi Curtis, you are absolutely right, the burl is quite thick, you see turning thin is not hard to do for me, and so doesn't count for much to me, but what you can't see, or just very little of it, is the wood grain and coloration and also the form and shape of the outside of the burl and it was that what I did want to keep, so what isn't pleasing to your eyes is you are using yours, and I was using mine, (of course ;->) and like they say you can't please them all.
Anyway, thank you for looking and taking the time to reply and giving your critic :D:D