View Full Version : Maple Bowl

Matt Wolboldt
08-22-2008, 2:31 AM
Having just started turning just a week ago, I've been playing with my lathe every night. Well I just finished this second bowl. On the most part I'm happy how it came out, but it seems that always at the end I seem to scratch the piece in some way; this time I managed to go through the bottom a bit :mad:. But I've learned my lesson. Critiques are welcome.

Steve Schlumpf
08-22-2008, 9:18 AM
Matt - congrats on your second bowl! Really nice looking wood! About the only suggestion I can offer - other than to turn lots more - is to try using more of a gentle curve for the form of your bowl. Nothing wrong with this form at all but it is a lot easier to turn when you don't have to make a sharp transition between the wall and the bottom of the bowl.

Other than the 'lesson' I think the bowl looks pretty good. Stick with it, have fun and be safe while turning! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Bernie Weishapl
08-22-2008, 10:44 AM
Nice looking bowl for your second. I agree with Steve that the outside and inside of you bowl need more of a curve and not a sharp transistion at the bottom. Those are pretty tough and yes can make you go thru the bottom rather easily if you are not paying attention. Well done.

Jim Evans
08-22-2008, 11:27 AM
pushing the envelope - that is how you learn!
keep making chips, sweeping them up
keep making chips, sweeping them up
keep making chips, sweeping them up
you will get there