View Full Version : How to make cabriole legs?

dennis thompson
08-21-2008, 2:29 PM
Can someone recommend a good book/article on how to cut cabriole legs, I've tried twice & can't get it right

Lance Norris
08-21-2008, 2:57 PM
Dennis... what trouble are you having? Its a fairly simple process. They are cut with the bandsaw, but you probably already knew that. You lay out the shape on 2 sides and cut the first side. Tape the cut-off waste back in place and then cut the other side. I have several books that show the process. If you really need a book reference(other than everyone who will help here), I will look.

"Gary Brewer"
08-21-2008, 3:03 PM
Dennis: If you belong to fine woodworking website they have a number of articles on making cabriole legs. They are good enough to do a fine job the first time. Make a template ( or borrow one ), bandsaw, rasp and file. Some turn the foot, I file and rasp. Be careful of the grain it should be diagonal on the square blank. Look at the pictures on the articles if you don't know what I mean. It is a fun experience and opens up a whole new world of woodworking.
Good Luck,

Lance Norris
08-21-2008, 3:13 PM
Dennis. They also can be turned on the lathe. I forgot to mention that. Here is a link(hope it works) to design and cutting the legs. I didnt watch the videos, so I dont know what method they use(bandsaw or lathe). I did do a simple search on the internet for "cabriole leg video" and there were lots of things that showed up.
