View Full Version : Spoons and a Honey Dipper

Mike Minto
08-17-2008, 8:08 PM
Here's a selection of spoons that I recently turned / carved, along with my first successful honey dipper. I used a Sorby 'bead turning tool', or whatever it's called, for the dipper. All are of cherry, except for the noticeably lighter spoon, which is white oak, and the 'spurtle', which is simply pine from a 2x4. I'll be trading an aquaintance of mine for a quart jar of raw honey and comb for the dipper. He keeps bees on property in VA. Mike

Bernie Weishapl
08-17-2008, 11:53 PM
Great looking pieces Mike. Really well done.

Tom Green
08-18-2008, 2:24 PM
Nice stuff Mike. What's a "spurtle"?

Scott Lux
08-18-2008, 3:33 PM
It's frrr stirrrrrring yr porrridge. (have to read that with a Scottish brogue)