View Full Version : What IWF products are you most interested in??

Mike Heidrick
08-17-2008, 4:23 PM
The show is fast approaching. Are there any products that you are REALLY REALLY interested in seeing??

A couple I am very eager to see:

Cheap?? Entry Widebelt sanders (Dream)
A JDS Multi Router (Dream)
A Laguna Plat. $1K horizontal mortiser (Serious - put down a downpayment on one)

These items just are not local!

Whate else is everyone interested in?

Lee Koepke
08-17-2008, 6:46 PM
In the packet they sent there was a new generation CNC machine that I think cut an entire kitchen, boxed it up, stocked the fridge and washed the dishes !!! :D

As a journey of curiosity, some of those machines and the larger Euro models would be neat to look at. I personally will be looking for a jointer. If I can get a decent deal ( ie not pay for shipping ) I would like an 8" Grizzly ....

Gregory Stahl
08-17-2008, 9:15 PM
I'll be shopping for sliding table saws and oscillating edge sanders.

I would like to get something that will rip 9ft plywood, but in all honesty, as long as it can crosscut 5ft, it should be good for 95+% of the work I do.

For edge sanders, I would love the Grizzly G9984. It looks alot like PM's OES 9138, but at half the price.

For sliders, Laguna TSS and Mini-Max SC3W are at the top of the list right now, but still have a lot of looking to do. If anyone has recommendations, fire away!

I'll also be looking for a 5HP cyclone, I may be trippling the size of the shop in the next couple months!

I have the new Laguna Platinum Mortiser that is going to be at the show. If they keep it at $1k, I'll bet they are going to sell a ton of them. They accidentally posted a new website with the new machine, and had it marked at $995. The site went down fairly quick, but was cached on Google's server, so got to browse it for about a week before it was updated back to the original site.

I don't know most of you as I have only been on here for about 6-months, but I'll keep an eye on the SC booth.

Best, Greg Stahl

Bruce Wrenn
08-17-2008, 9:33 PM
Gotta go by Grizzly, as they paid my way in. Also visiting Betterly, as I need an underscribe. Steel City, it is the meeting point for SMC.. Want to see John Wirth, over at Woodworker's Supply. (Last two times I went to show, John paid for the bus trip and reception, along with show tickets and Marta pass.) Want to check out as many 23 ga pinners as possible, so will visit several vendors. Want to see what is new at Apolo spraying. Of course I have visit Kregg. Highland Woodworking is three miles from my hotel, so they are on my to do list. Want to check out hardware vendors also. Basically going to take in as much as possible. LOML will be with me. We have a daughter who is "crew based" in Atlanta. She is off today through Tuesday. On Wednesday, she leaves on a 4 day trip about two hours after we get into airport. Hopefully she can meet us before starting out. If you haven't used the Marta before, you now need either a Breeze Pass, or a Breeze Ticket. Breeze Tickets can be bought in multiples of days from one to seven. It is the only way to get around. Marta starts in airport, you go down town and change trains and go one station west to show. CNN building had a great breakfast in it the last time I was there for the show. World of Coke and Aquarium are also close by.

Mike Heidrick
08-17-2008, 10:03 PM
The new Laguna tools (new mortiser) site is still up. I just got to it through the used machine link on the old site.

Brian Gumpper
08-17-2008, 10:28 PM

If you're looking at sliders you can forget about Altendorf and Martin. Those machines are a thing of beauty with a pricetag to support it.

That Laguna mortiser looks interesting. Looks like they took their combo attachment and made a stand for it.

I'll be there but putzing around looking at tooling. Nothing too exciting.

Jim Becker
08-18-2008, 9:13 AM
Mike, IWF was where I originally "discovered" Minimax, etc. If I were attending the show, I'd be scoping out that kind of gear just to see what's new. There is a lot more competition these days in the "small shop" category for Euro style gear. I also first learned about MicroFence at this show and later became a customer. This is also one of the only times you can see folks like Grizzly on a show floor and they bring out a LOT of stuff. That's nice if you don't live near one of their three showrooms.

One other thing I enjoyed at that show a number of years ago was the ability to see the depth and breath of cabinet hardware "out there". It was a nice learning experience.

Now, I must mention that this is not a "hobbyist" oriented event. Yes, there is plenty of the gear that most of us know and love...and no question, there will be some great discoveries. But this is an industrial show and some of the big stuff is incredible to see on the show floor!

Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 9:57 AM
The industrial stuff should be crazy. I have four days there so I should be able to see a lot. Felder already called me at home to see what I was looking for at the show. LOL. I may pick up that new Laguna mortiser the more I look at it! Probably going to come down to shipping costs on it.

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 9:59 AM
What Jim said. Some of the big machines are interesting to see and I got a glimpse last week of some them that had to be put together with cranes. They are simply amazing and considering most will not ever visit an industrial enviroment this is a chance to see them in action.

But... I am a amateur and I just love to see innovative ideas and machines geared to the hobby shop. I have been fortunate to get to see several last week before the public "un-veiling" so stay tuned. I might just get a few snap-shots tomorrow on Dealer Day even though I can't post them until after the Show officially opens.

I just acquired a new TS so the only thing I really need is to upgrade my Drill Press which is good but doesn't fill all my needs. Perhaps something will catch my eye.

BTW... for those that are interested in the Lagana slot mortiser.. the Laguna booth is across from the Steel City booth so please drop by to get hooked up with the Creekers. The welcome mat will be out and hope to see ya...


Gregory Stahl
08-18-2008, 10:31 AM
Are photos allowed? In the info they sent me, I believe it stated photography is prohibited, so I wasn't plannign to bring the camera. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Thanks - Greg

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 11:18 AM
Oops... Sorry Gregory as I was not aware of that. If that's what they said (and I suppose I understand that from an un-veiling point of view) that's the case. I will confirm that tomorrow when I go down to dealer day. I just got a call from Scott Box on the way back down from Tennessee and I could of ask him then as it was not mentioned to me.

But.. when you are up to your ears putting machines together.. minor details are not the priority. :) I have a gut feeling you are very correct especially if your brochure stated it.....

Again sorry for that call....


Jim Becker
08-18-2008, 12:08 PM
When I went, years back photography was prohibited, but I got away with it as I had press credentials thanks to a magazine that I was doing a little work for at the time. But I didn't take that many in all honesty.

Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 12:12 PM
I just put down a deposit on a brother to Greg's new mortiser (100% refundable deposit if you do not want the machine) with Ken at Laguna. They have two machines not sold of the 12 in stock. Call Ken at 800 234 1976 if anyone else is serious about this machine and is going to see it at IWF.

Gregory Stahl
08-18-2008, 12:38 PM
Just thought I'd bring it up in case I was wrong--don't want to see anybody get kicked-out.


John Thompson
08-18-2008, 1:22 PM
And I'm glad you did, Greg. I have to enter from the rear at the Exhibitor's entrance and I would have probably had to carry the camera back to the parking lot. Or... even if I had got it in.. there is probably someone watching for flashes from and over-head camera. Might have saved me from taking an IWF sniper round in the back. :D

I am dis-appointed to a degree as I would have liked to get some Creeker shots inside the building which would be simple. Getting everyone together outside may not. But.. I do understand why they don't allow them once I think about it with the hush-hush among manufacturers on new products and the press having to pay to get them at appointed times with probably a fee to do so.

Yep... glad you did mention it! :)


Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 1:56 PM
I am dis-appointed to a degree as I would have liked to get some Creeker shots inside the building which would be simple. Getting everyone together outside may not.


There is always dinner Thursday for pics. We have at least one other member from woodnet as well joinging us. Count is at 7 so far.

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 3:53 PM
There is always dinner Thursday for pics. We have at least one other member from woodnet as well joinging us. Count is at 7 so far.

That will work, Mike. Hopefully the count will grow as I will mention dinner on Thursday to anyone that might show up on Wednesday if that is OK with you?


Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 4:27 PM
Sounds good. I will need to make a reservation by end of show Wednesday though.

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 4:41 PM
Sounds good. I will need to make a reservation by end of show Wednesday though.

And if you can't get em... we can always drop by the "Varsity" down the street across from Georgia Tech and you can get a glimpse of what "Walking a Dog" really is about. I'm more interested in the comrade-ship than the offerings on the menu personally. :)



Mike Heidrick
08-18-2008, 4:47 PM
I have been to the varsity - the orignal drive through ()non drive through one). Is the one by G. Tech within walking distance?? Not a bad idea for dogs and lots of seating area.

Just sent an invite to a bunch more boys who may already be there at the show.

12 miles from downtown is my favorite restaurant in the US though - Stoney River! Kinda pricey steaks and fare but OMG is it good. May be too far though for us non rental car folk. Whats a personal link shuttle cost I wonder??

John Thompson
08-18-2008, 6:49 PM
It's at the corner of North Ave. and I-85 just across the express-way from the GT stadium. If you were traveling on I-75 you can see it. It is about 10-12 blocks from the GWCC and Centenial Park so quite a hike for old-timers. IMO walking the streets between after dark is probably not a wise decision.

Not sure on shuttle cost as I always just drive my pick-up (tool and wood transporter :)) around so I really can't help transport in my personal vehicle due to two seats. I will ask around starting tomorrow when I am at the show even though I could not post until late evening probably.

BTW... there are some small eateries that would hold us just next door at CNN Center. The Georgia Dome is on one side of GWCC with CNN Center and Phillips Arena (Hawks... Thrrashers) on the other. No gourmet resturants to my knowledge but quite a number of choices of food in the food court area. It is definitley within walking distance as we went over each day setting up.



Lee Koepke
08-20-2008, 9:32 PM
Well, one afternoon and wandered about 1/3 of the hall. Some of those machines there are out of this world !!! Machines that take up 500 square feet, I swear they take a sapling in one end and a fully stocked kitchen comes out the other !!!

Looking forward to seeing some of the accessory items next. Quite a bit of more to look at. Glad I went.