View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
08-15-2008, 7:01 AM
Friday August 15th, 2008


How's everyone?

It's been just about postcard perfect weather here. We've had rain all around us, but not on us for 2 weeks now. Getting a little dry again and I've spent most of the week hauling the sprinkler around to keep the grass from turning into dirt.

LOML and I and a friend are heading to Madison today to participate in a golf outing, while today is our grand-daughters first golf match as a part of the varsity golf team at her high school. Ironically, she'll be playing at the same couse where we will be. We are hoping we'll get to see her in action before we start our round.

Shaping up to be a quiet weekend here. I'll probably spend most of my time recovering from golf today. While I can play 18 holes, my foot lets me know that I should take it easy the next day. Oh, well at least there's the Olympics and the race from Michigan on Sunday on TV.

So how's the weekend shaping up in your neck of the woods? Fun, games, hanky panky? Gotta have some of that every now and again. :D

Whatever's on the agenda I hope ya'll have a great weekend.

And make it a SAFE one too.


alex grams
08-15-2008, 9:15 AM
Bathroom remodeling. Got the vanity in yesterday with the plumbing, now I just need to cut the old big mirror down and cut it and frame it, then build the small wall unit for above the toilet, and then finish the trim... bleh..

I will finish one day with this project!

Matt Meiser
08-15-2008, 9:29 AM
I promised my daughter we'd build the bird house kit she bought at Woodcraft (I know, but she really wanted it and had her own money) and paint her toolbox I built her this spring. Then I have to get going on the repainting of our master bedroom to prepare for installing the flooring over Labor Day. I have so many things on my todo list that I probably won't get to do any woodworking until November--seriously!

Cary Falk
08-15-2008, 10:13 AM
It is going to be over 100 degrees here for the next couple of day. I am going to try to stay in the AC. My neighbor dropped off the inlay he wants for the peg head of his guitar. It is only 2 letters and 2 numbers but the font ooks to be pretty difficult since I have never done it before. That sounds like an all weekend project that I can probably do in the house.

Jim Becker
08-15-2008, 11:43 AM
Landscaping, horsie things picture hanging and perhaps a picnic will be part of this weekend's activities. I'll likely mow the lawn, too, if the weather cooperates and if it's too rainy for that and landscaping, I'll try to get a few minutes in the shop to clean it up.

Nancy Laird
08-15-2008, 10:24 PM
Getting ready for a road trip, among other things. LOML leaves early Monday morning for IWF in Atlanta, while I'll be sitting second chair for an attorney at a trial on Monday and Tuesday. Weekend? I have to work with the attorney tomorrow for about 3 hours, then LOML and I are probably going to chill a little bit. I finally got all of the 93 plaques done for the State Fair by running both lasers for about 8-9 hours two days straight, then spent Wednesday and Thursday doing the color fill and final finish. They still need to be wrapped for delivery, but I can handle that pretty quickly. Then we both need to pack for our various trips (I'm going to Tennessee to visit family and for my class reunion), make sure the house in clean, etc. I am SO looking forward to my trip!!

John Marshall
08-15-2008, 11:16 PM
I will be trying to finish off some picture frames. Then maybe I can hang some of my dad's photos around the house. They have been sitting around in a pile since his passing in March.

Jim Butterfield
08-16-2008, 9:48 AM
I'll be continuing an ongoing project to winterize my shop (errrrr, garage). In the Michigan clime, without it I stop woodworking in late fall. It's both an insulation project and a complete reorganization of where everything sits. And it all has to be mobile. I've just reached a tipping point with half of it insulated. Now I can start putting things where I want them, including rough-sawn lumber where the roof is the highest. After that, the job gets a lot easier. Still, as many of you know, 90% of a job like this is figuring out the logistics of how to move things around to get access to the walls and be in a position to put everything where I want it when I'm done. In the meantime, my wife has been very patient waiting for that hall mirror I promised her...

It's been a great August in Michigan - days in the upper 70s or low 80s with lots of sun. Can't beat it for this type of project.

Steve Clardy
08-16-2008, 10:38 AM
Probably spend some time deciding on which project I need to work/complete first. :rolleyes:

Dennis Peacock
08-16-2008, 10:41 AM
Doin' fine today Karl.
This weekend will be filled with working at the day job as well as playing bass guitar at church on Sunday then it's time with the family on Sunday evening. With the cooler temps, I'm able to make time to get in the shop and get things all setup for woodworking once again. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
08-16-2008, 12:06 PM
Well today......we are having a mini-Creeker gathering. Joel Sauter, myself, Brian Brown and his lovely wife from Idaho Falls, Idaho are having a turning gathering in my shop to start. I'm sure it will migrate elsewhere.

Other than that....keep turing those FPP pens.

And see if I can get one of those filagree pens to turn out correctly.:o

Chris Knudsen
08-16-2008, 12:19 PM
Supposed to be over 32 degrees (celcius- around 90 f) here today, so it may be off to the beach with the kids!

Ken Fitzgerald
08-16-2008, 12:23 PM
Supposed to be over 32 degrees (celcius- around 90 f) here today, so it may be off to the beach with the kids!

Is that all?....It's supposed to be 105 º F today and 107º F tomorrow.

Chris Knudsen
08-16-2008, 12:28 PM
yeah, that is pretty warm for us, we usually sit around 25 degrees or so in the summer. The ocean keeps us pretty moderate. Have fun in that heat down there today, hopefully it's not too humid for you.:)

Is that all?....It's supposed to be 105 º F today and 107º F tomorrow.

Louis Rucci
08-16-2008, 10:21 PM
Since I installed the lighting fixtures on the ceiling of my workshop during the week. Saturday I connected them and made sure I have illumination. Now I can see what I'm doing.

Also painted a second coat of moisture sealant on the concrete block which is the lower lower part of my walls.

Next phase is to put up the interior walls.

Bryan Cowing
08-17-2008, 7:25 AM
I am putting the finish on the outdoor coffee table to go with the Adirondack chairs that are painted Old Cat yellow! Swmbo wanted farm tractor red, so picked up a can of Massey red. Odd color but she likes it!:cool: