View Full Version : Dresser ?'s

Mike Hoyt
08-15-2008, 2:38 AM
Morning everyone, I am in the planning stages of a new dresser for the wife and I think I have the general idea about how they go together but I am a little stumped on how to assemble the drawer dividers/dust frames to the end panels. I am sure there is an easy way but so far all the plans I have seen called for screwing them to the end panels. Is this how you would proceed? To me it seems like I would be putting all my trust into those screws but maybe I am over analyzing. I have used pocket screws before but I want this to be done right. So how do you guys assemble you dressers? I welcome all opinions. Thanks in advance for the responses!


Ed Peters
08-15-2008, 6:09 AM
I attach the dust frames to solid side panels by plowing a dado in the sides and using glue and brads. I attach them to floating panel sides with pocket screws and glue. Both are very reliable.


Jamie Buxton
08-15-2008, 11:56 AM
When you say "end panels", what do you mean?

If your cabinet sides are plywood slabs, you'd have a different attachment scheme than if your cabinet sides are frame&panel with a solid-wood panel floating inside a frame.

Mike Hoyt
08-16-2008, 12:30 AM
Jamie, I have not decided on one design yet but I have seen some which used solid wood, some with frame and panels using thick corner posts. I am leaning towards using the frame and panel style for the ends as I like the look of that better but I am always open to suggestions. Did that help ? or just leave you scratching your head more?
thanks for your time,