View Full Version : Cork Oak bowl

Tom Green
08-11-2008, 6:33 PM
Here is a NE bowl I turned about 10 days ago.
Cork Oak, 10" wide at it's widest, 8" wide at the narrowest, about 5 or 6" tall. Comments welcome. Thanks for looking.

Steve Schlumpf
08-11-2008, 7:00 PM
Very nice NE Tom! Really like all the fleck in the wood and also all the bark you managed to keep! Seriously nice work! Also really like the first 2 photos - nice focus, color and profiles! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Bree Green
08-11-2008, 7:25 PM
Dad this is amazing!

I'm simply amazed that you are making all of these beautiful pieces! You are so talented!!

So....when do I get to display a piece in my home????


Your lovely daughter...who is waiting patiently...for now ;)

Tom Green
08-11-2008, 7:26 PM
Steve, As I said to Curtis in the vase post, the cork is flexible and stays on well. The problem starts when it's drying. After talking to a buddy who's done lots of cork oak, I am now using some CA on the reddish porous layer between the cork and the wood as a pre-emptive measure.