View Full Version : Porter Cable 550 pocket cutter opinions wanted

Wes Billups
08-11-2008, 9:51 AM
I was wondering what people’s thoughts are on this pocket hole cutter.
http://images.craigslist.org/01150401020101040220080810e6978986425607f0af00603a .jpg
Porter Cable discontinued them a while ago so I’ve found very little in the way of reviews or opinions. I will say I currently have the small Kreg version and like it. I was wondering if one of these could be had for a good deal, are they worth owning? If yes to the last question, what would you consider a good price would be for one of these?


Mike Heidrick
08-11-2008, 11:18 AM
I have used a porter cable 552 - not the 550. The 552 is nice and can be had maybe for a good deal on CL occasionally. Typically people still command a premium for them. A buddy uses the 552 and he built a standalone table for it and added a pneumatic clamp to his. He really likes it but would also like a castle upright machine in the future.

I ended up with a pneumatic Forman from Kreg thanks to great advice from quite a few folks here. The microsoft/ebay/live.com deal helped out on that purchase plus the 10% off June ebay promotion. There is currently also a $100 rebate on the Foreman but I have not seen the live.com deal on ebay for quite awhile now.

Wes Billups
08-11-2008, 4:47 PM
Mike, thanks for the response. I was wondering if you know if Porter Cable and Kreg use a different angle for their pocket holes. I've read some reviews of people having difficulty with "board jacking" using the Kreg. I have to admit I've never had this problem with my Kreg pocket jig but was wondering if you've seen this occur.


Steve Clardy
08-11-2008, 6:23 PM
Wes. I had and used one of those for 7 years.
Excellent little pocket cutter.
I usually went through a router motor about once a year. Mainly brushes and bearings. Thats a 7310 motor on there.

Last ones made were in 2000

On ebay I've seen those bring upwards of $300.00

New they sold for $200.00

Lower pocket angle, its about 6 degrees if I remember.

Rick Whitehead
08-11-2008, 8:05 PM
I have one of these, which I've used occasionally.
I picked it up at a garage sale, so I don't have much in it.
I use it mostly for pocket holes for back cleats. I'm not fond of pocket hole construction for face frames, so I don't use it for that.
I think the bits are still available. They are a single-flute 1/4" shank 5/16" dia straight bit.
The machine cuts a long slot, over 4" long. It makes it possible to drive the screw straight in, but it's hard to hide the slot. The screw does go in straight, minimizing the chances of misalignment.
Every time I use it, it vibrates and chatters so much I think it's going to fall apart, but it always works.
If you could pick one up at a good price, and use it occasionally, I think it would be worth it.