View Full Version : Whimsical turning, ;->

Leo Van Der Loo
08-11-2008, 2:27 AM
Made this turning as a whimsical turning.
I used a forked piece of Horse-Chestnut, and some Purple Heart wood and spalted Maple.
Hollow turned the "body" on three axes, and colored the inside with east india ink, and the outside got some lacker on it, just some fun thing to turn :) :D ;)
And yes any and all comments are welcome :D

Steve Schlumpf
08-11-2008, 10:14 AM
Leo - Now that's different! Interesting concept for design! Great conversation piece! Always fun to do something that makes other do a double take! Nice work - thanks for posting!

Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2008, 10:53 AM
Those look good Leo. Different design that I like. Well done.

curtis rosche
08-11-2008, 10:53 AM
i assume that the purpleheart peices were turned attatched to the peice? that is an awsome peice. you do some great things

steven carter
08-11-2008, 11:41 AM
Really nice, how long did it take to make?


Brian Brown
08-11-2008, 11:46 AM

That's a nice piece. I don't even want to now how out of balance the "Body" was!

Leo Van Der Loo
08-11-2008, 8:53 PM
Thank you for the replies :)
Yes it's fun turning something out of the ordinary, and Steven I'm retired, time is all I have, what day is it ? ;) :D
Curtis thanks for the question, the Purple Heart and spalted maple pieces where turned separate and fit into the openings, the spalted Maple and the higher piece of Purple Heart are glued on, the other piece sits on with a friction fit :)
Thanks Brian, I'm lucky in that I have a large and heavy lathe (engine lathe), the off-balance wasn't a problem, holding it was more of a problem as I didn't have a lot of spare length to work with, the challenge is half the fun :D:D

Bill Wyko
08-11-2008, 9:47 PM
Very nice job. That should warm many hearts when they look at it. Very adorable.