View Full Version : Tired of getting beat up for not have photograpic evidence...

Ken Fitzgerald
08-11-2008, 1:37 AM
Last weekend I posted that my wife had volunteered my turning services to my MIL. Her church is having a sale. The first photograph is of some pens I turned. I had a bunch of slimline pen kits so and 1 Euro....so....

The 2nd photograph is of the 8 pens I turned this weekend. These are some Freedom Pen Project Funline kits I am turning for the FPP. I have a bunch more glued up and drying. I have some more cut and drilled and some more cut. I quit for the evening as I had my CMS pull a blank out of my hand and bounce it around the shop. It was 10:00 p.m. and I decided for safety sake I'd quit for the night.

Last week I ordered a new style of pen from Arizona Silhouette. It is a filagree pen that looks similar to the American style. Well, dummy,(that's me) mounted the wrong blank between the wrong bushings. Well, by the time I realized it....it was too late as it was already turned to a too small diameter. So...I practiced some new finishing techniques on it.:o:)

So here's photographic evidence I have been using my lathe....:p



Johnny Kleso
08-11-2008, 1:46 AM
I think I seen those pictures posted last year by another wood turner :) hehehe

Just kidding I think they look awesome...

John Terefenko
08-11-2008, 9:45 AM

Very nice pens for a nice cause. Well done. Just a note that you probably already know, AS was having a closeout on some filagree pen kits. Wasn't sure if you saw that or not. Good prices.

Steve Schlumpf
08-11-2008, 10:05 AM
Ken - sure looks like you have been busy! Good looking pens - really like the Euro! How many pens do you plan to turn for MIL? Should really help out raising funds!

Paul Douglass
08-11-2008, 10:14 AM
Very nice, Ken. You have been pumping them out! Great job. I made five this weekend for the troops and thought I was doing good.

Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2008, 10:51 AM
Well, well, well I guess old Fitz does still turn.:D;):rolleyes::cool:

Seriously those are some good looking pens Ken. What kind of finish did you use Ken? Whatever they look mighty fine.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-11-2008, 10:55 AM

I'm still discovering turning stuff that I'd misplaced in the mess in my shop since I stopped to try to finish the shop. Right now I"ve been using Deft. I experimented with plexiglass yesterday.

michael gallagher
08-11-2008, 1:43 PM
Those are some nice looking pens!

Jim Underwood
08-11-2008, 4:10 PM
Well durn. The boy can turn after all.


Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2008, 4:46 PM
I will give you a PM Ken. I know you have been as busy as I have. Been on the road now for a month. Getting a little tired of it.