View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
04-30-2004, 8:50 AM
Good Friday Morning All,

Well, it's another rainy Friday morning in Okieland with rain predicted for tomorrow as well. May be a good day to clean the shop up and turn a few pens. As Sunday is supposed to be dry, I'm sure there will be mowing and yard work to be done. :(

Any sawdust in your weekend plans?

Have a great weekend,

Jim Becker
04-30-2004, 9:02 AM
I will likely get some shop time this weekend as I got most of the "house" things done this week during "vacation". (Interrupted by a business meeting in NYC yesterday...such a dedicated employee I am. Sheesh!)

Dr. SWMBO and I are driving up to Dan Smith's place tonight to pick up some cherry lumber he is selling me. Tomorrow will likely entail the second lawn cut of the season before the shop becomes the focus. I have some additional cleanup to do, some turnings to buff and some small projects to get started. Now that I have the new computer with this excellent flat screen monitor, I need a new place to pile the bills...they just will not balance on a 1" wide ledge like they would on the massive monitor I previously was using. Since there is a whole lot more real estate available, I think some form of a storage system is in order. I also need to finish the glass-front doors for an additional cabinet that went in the kitchen. They have been sitting around too long...I actually kept forgetting they needed sanding. Since rain is expected for Sunday, I can pretty much count on being in the shop...;)

Bill Kay
04-30-2004, 9:16 AM
I still have a few old fence posts to cut up and a few more requests for whirligigs. These airplanes have been popular around here.

Frank Pellow
04-30-2004, 9:26 AM
Rain is predicted but one can always hope. Whether or not it rains, I will be working on the joists and floor of my workshop.

David Klug
04-30-2004, 9:32 AM
Sun is shining! It's off to the wood working show!!!!!!


Steven Wilson
04-30-2004, 9:38 AM
This weekend will be busy. I need to spray the accents on a steel/cast iron bed I'm restoring - the pink paint will be flying! Then I need to wire up a 2hp Lesson motor and mount an Oneida 2HP commercial cyclone on the wall. After that I need to clear up the garage a bit so I can take delivery of a Minimax CU350 and then finally attend our Woodworking Guild's annual exhibition http://www.minnesotawoodworkersguild.com/nwoods/nwoods.htm

Scott Coffelt
04-30-2004, 9:50 AM
Rain, rain, rain.

Neighborhood garage sale.

Begin laying out the next project, a nightstand for my sons room.

Hopefully, a dry Sunday so I can get the yard mowed, but that may be wishful thinking.

Clean out a bunch of paint cans stored in the shop and take to the toxic waste dump.

John Miliunas
04-30-2004, 9:51 AM
If the rains hold off, it's grass cutting. The rest of the time should be in the shop doing more cabinet work. I really, *really* need to get those things out of the way, as I can't even get to my little lathe and I have pens to do! ;) Have a safe and super weekend, all! :cool:

Fred Voorhees
04-30-2004, 10:22 AM
It's just past 10 in the AM on Friday and I'm waiting for the inspector to come out and give me a passing grade on the floor joists and insulation for the garage conversion project. Should he give me a green, that will line up this weekends main purpose, which would be to get the subfloor down (glued and screwed) so that further work can begin.

Hope to be covering this this weekend!

Dick Parr
04-30-2004, 10:48 AM
I hope to pick up the wolverine jig from Woodcraft and a bowl gouge this weekend. :D So I will be mounting the jig and trying the new gouge out. Found some wood in the back that has been down for a year or so. Not sure what type it is but I remember it was a light colored wood when it was cut down, almost white. It should be interesting.

Chris Padilla
04-30-2004, 10:54 AM
I, and a few others here, will be attending the Sacramento Woodshow tomorrow.

I then hope to come home with some $$$s left but we'll see! :)

Late Saturday and Sunday will be more working on the EC and, of course, yardwork...:(

Robert Ducharme
04-30-2004, 12:27 PM
Finish running power to my new tool locations and then SPIN THEM UP!!! :) Also got the final pieces from Oneida so I can connect a few tools that have been feeling lonely.

Rob Littleton
04-30-2004, 2:07 PM
I still have a few old fence posts to cut up and a few more requests for whirligigs. These airplanes have been popular around here.

I wonder why those airplanes are so popular.????? NOT

Those things are cute. Nice work man.

Is that your own design? (Yes, Im fishing for plans:-)

Tyler Howell
04-30-2004, 3:21 PM
This weekend will be busy. I need to spray the accents on a steel/cast iron bed I'm restoring - the pink paint will be flying! Then I need to wire up a 2hp Lesson motor and mount an Oneida 2HP commercial cyclone on the wall. After that I need to clear up the garage a bit so I can take delivery of a Minimax CU350 and then finally attend our Woodworking Guild's annual exhibition http://www.minnesotawoodworkersguild.com/nwoods/nwoods.htmNew subfloor in the mud room, A little garden time. Long punch list of kitchen items. And thanks to Steve's Post, I'll have to check out the WW Guild. Maybe I'll be able to pick him out. I'm sure you can't mask a New MiniMax Grin!:p
Play safe!

Steven Wilson
04-30-2004, 6:21 PM
New subfloor in the mud room, A little garden time. Long punch list of kitchen items. And thanks to Steve's Post, I'll have to check out the WW Guild. Maybe I'll be able to pick him out. I'm sure you can't mask a New MiniMax Grin!:p
Play safe!

Well, I found out that my machine made it on the truck from Austin an hour ago. It seems they ordered a machine larger that what I ordered which usually is a good thing, however the machine won't really fit in my space so they've swaped out the outrigger crosscut fence to a smaller one (if you consider 5' small). I might have to due a little metal work surgery on the slider extension to make things work but we'll have to wait until it gets here.

One cool thing they're doing is taking a couple of digital pictures just before the crate gets placed on the truck. They then print out the pictures and tape them onto the side of the box - remindes the truckers not to mess with the package. I should be getting an email of the shipping crate soon - it will be a nice thing to have when I accept delivery.

Christopher Pine
04-30-2004, 6:32 PM
I wonder why those airplanes are so popular.????? NOT

Those things are cute. Nice work man.

Is that your own design? (Yes, Im fishing for plans:-)
I would love a free plan as well if there is one that is very cool!
Here is a picture of some biplanes My kids and I made the last couple years for toys for tots at Christmas Time.
The two albums titled toys for tots of course. :)

Chris Pine

Jim Baker
04-30-2004, 7:36 PM
We're packed up and ready to head to the Peoria Woodcraft Turnathon tomorrow.

Todd Burch
04-30-2004, 7:36 PM
Well, I'll be running more 3-phase wiring. I turned on the rotary phase converter yesterday evening and didn't start any fires or trip any breakers - so that's a good thing! (The wife said the lights went dim though for a second...) (Aarrghh!!) The first machine hookup will be the dust collector. A guy called the other night, as I was assembling the new dust collector, inquiring about my Oneida that is for sale - so he might come look (and buy) on Saturday.

I picked up (purchased) a 20" wide x 36" long (narrow spread) manual (hydraulic) pallet jack this afternoon to move the new machines around for musical machines this weekend.

I'll be making the last two cabinet doors for the study project, along with 10 drawer fronts. These drawer fronts will be pretty fancy - 9 pieces of wood each.

A quick testimonial for routerbits.com.... I've been ordering my Whiteside bits from them. I had a rail/stile set that needed sharpening. I sent them to my sharpener, expecting to have to shim as needed to get a good profile match. However, too much material was removed and they are ruined. (He said he would re-tip them). So... I priority ordered a new set from routerbits.com. They got here when expected, but they sent the wrong ones. A quick phone call, and they agreed to overnight the proper set, and include a mailer box to return the wrong ones.

Satisfaction Rating to be able to order 24 hours a day: 10
Satisfaction Rating when you are in a hurry and get the wrong parts: -10
Satisfaction Rating when they do what it takes to make it good - no questions asked: 11

Brian Hale
04-30-2004, 9:45 PM
Saturday morning the LOML and i will head up to Wilke and get the 6" Bridgewood jointer and perhaps a DC. Then outside for some more deck work; attaching the ledger to the house and some beam work. Sunday AM she leaves for Fairbanks for 2 weeks so i'll have tons of quality time to spend with the new toy. Hope to do some more work on the tool cart/mobile work top. It's taking for ever to finish, just no time now that the weather is getting nice and the yard needs attention....

You all be safe!
